Chapter 11

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Deku then when into the room and saw dabi holding the twins in his hand. Deku then started to tear up and gently  hugged dabi " d-dabi-kun...  Where finally parents " deku said in tears of joy. " Y-yes we are hun " dabi said, " w-what should  we name them?  " deku asked, " why not rose and marina " dabi said.

" those are great names! Dabi-kun!  " do deku said as other classmates came in to look at the newborns. " awwww so cute!!!  " Mina said, " I'll make baby clothes " momo said. And Everyone looked at mineta and saw him drinking respect woman juice. " cmon mineta there only babies " toru said. Momo grabbed the juice and threw it out the window. " hey!  I was drinking that!  And my parents taught me to never be a pervert around newborn girls that's just wrong " mineta said.

" well your not around  your parents so at least you get to see em " tokoyami said then the doctor came in and said dabi is free to go and everyone left the hospital to look at the newborns. " I hope when there older they study hard and pay attention " iida said. Deku chuckled " not that hard iida-kun there too young " deku then saw a car coming  and have a flashback of what happened and his eyes went wide and about to save dabi when sero grabbed dabi with his tape and pulled him away from the car just in time " s-sorry I should have looked where I was going " dabi said.

Deku smiled and hugged  him and his children " I'm glad  your okay dabi- kun " deku said smiling, " me too deku me too "

( to be continued)

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