Chapter 9

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As deku and dabi got on the plane to to to there honeymoon dabi held deku's  hand because deku is afraid of heights " everything is going to be okay deku I promise " dabi said to comfort his husband. Deku then smiled at dabi and kisses his cheek and then whispered in dabi's ear.

" how about we have a baby " deku whispered In dabi's ear. Dabi then blushed madly and nods, when they  t to the place deku then pinned dabi on the hallway wall and grinded his leg in between dabi's " ahhh~ " dabi moans in pleasure. Deku then took dabi's shirt off and took him to there room and tosses dabi on the bed while shutting the door and locking it and undressing.

After deku gets undressed he gets dabi undressed and dabi starts sucking deku's dick, " a-ahhh~ d-dabi~ " deku moaned. Dabi bobbed his head up and down and deku was panting and repeating his name. Deku gasped and shot his seed into dabi's mouth and dabi swallowed it all. Deku then had dabi got on all fours and deku started humping dabi " a-ahh~  d-deku " dabi moaned deku kept humping him and deku hit his sweet spot which made him see stars.

" A-AHH~ D-DEKU R-RIGHT T-T-THERE HAAA~ " dabi lost it and started moaning and panting. Then deku shot his seed in dabi again and they both collapsed on the bed panting  and moaning " zzzzz " dabi slept. Deku smiled and kisses his cheek and fell asleep. A few years later when dabi and deku came back from there honeymoon everyone welcomed them back.

" welcome back!  " everyone shouted, dabi felt weird and ran to the bathroom  and puked and deku patted his back in comfort. " dabi what's wrong?  " deku asked worriedly. " i-i feel weird babe " dabi said puking again.

" why don't you take the pregnancy test and come back to me for the results on I'll be in my room okay? " deku said " ok " dabi said as deku left the bathroom  and dabi took the pregnancy test.

( to be continued)

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