Chapter 10

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Dabi was 10 weeks pregnant  and his stomach was a medium sized big and he could not fight at all " deku c-can I please kick some villain ass " dabi asked. " no babe I don't want the baby being killed " deku said, " I want you safe with the baby " deku said " Okay babe " dabi said. Deku then went out to fight and dabi felt a warm hand on his shoulder, dabi gasped and turned around " hello again dabi~ " toga said as she grabbed dabi and he screamed.

Then some pro hero's came into the room and they grabbed dabi just in time when toga was about to stab dabi. A few more days later dabi was 12 weeks pregnant. Deku stroked dabi's stomach and smiled " I bet its gonna be twin girls " deku said, " I bet its gonna be twin boys " dabi said. Deku let out a small chuckle " we'll have to wait and see " deku said smiling.

Dabi felt water run down his pants and gripped his stomach in pain " d-dabi?!  Are you okay?! "  dabi then looked at deku with a worried expression. " D-Deku i-im in labor " dabi said as he collapsed to the floor and deku panicked.

Aizawa then grabbed dabi and rushed him to the hospital. They took dabi to the emergency room, deku came in through  the hospital door and said " IS DABI GONNA BE OKAY?!  " he said.
" he will " aizawa said, a few minutes  pass by and the doctor came out with good news. 

" i-is he okay doctor " deku said. " of course and congrats twin girls " deku gasped slightly  and ran to dabi's room to see the twins.

( to be continued ) 

( P.s.  if you have any girl names for me that would be great!  Have a great day!!! )

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