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I was so angry that the ground beneath me started to die. The grass turning yellow, once was a juicy green. The mud turning hard. Once as soft as a pillow. How dare they make fun out of my parents. They insulted all thee of our parents. Lightning struck as Draco uncovered his angry side. The ground beneath me was split in half with no sweat as an army of dead rose. But soon their mocking attitude disappeared, turning into pure horror. As soon as those faces were seen, we calmed down a little, the lightning, not as low as it used to be.
"I did tell you not to get on the wrong side of them." I hear Luke say, in a deadly calm voice. They stared mouth wide open, at any moment, the floor could crack, and their mouths would be reaching Tartarus. No, literally, maybe deeper.
"Who are they Luke, you know your not meant to-"
"They are my true friends Chiron, ones who care, and if you have a problem with that, I wouldn't hesitate to run you through."
Everyone's mouth hung wide open-
"You'll be eating flies for dinner." Nico said, their mouth shutting quickly to Nico's deathly tone. Then we were out, giving a small smile at Luke, an apology. He returned it equally large, pleased that they were terrified of three young boys, merely twelve years old. Travelling back to Hogwarts, that's when the real adventure began. It was time, to go and destroy the philosopher stone.

The three of us crept silently past the dorms, up to the third floor, Zain and I stomping past Cerberus' Cousin, Draco creeping and trying his hardest not to scream. But as we walked on, we were met by Potter, Weasly and Granger. Yay(!)
So we spent half an hour arguing, us about having more experience and them about being there first. So at the end, all six of us agreed to face our doom.

The weeds were really annoying me, so I used my wand to stop them from moving.
"Do you have a death wish! Stop moving." I hiss at them in a whisper making sure not to be heard. Then, to shut them up I cast the spell, Draco read to us a few days ago about this Devil Snare thingy magigy and bam. The roots all slithered back in their homes. Which was just an uncomfortable hole. After the encounter, Hermione gave me a death glare.
"How did you know that spell?!" She demanded.
"We pay attention in class to. (Not)" I defend back.
"Huuuuuuuh, we learnt this in class? When? Why? Where? Date?..."
"I'm only joking geez, what makes you think we would pay attention? Draco red it in a book." I say, blocking all the unnecessary questions from leaving her never stopping gob of knowledge. We had encountered a ton of small flying keys.
"It's obvious, we need to fly up and find the right key." I said.
After the deal with the keys, which was spent by arguing what we were meant to do and what the keys actually were. Ron, Harry and Hermione, the so called nerd, claimed it was al birds. When finding the right key, we opened the for and were met by............

Sorry for the short chapter, how's it going. Don't forget to comment. ☺👍👍👍👍☺👍👍👍👍👍☺👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺👍☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺👍☺👍👍👍☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺👍👍👍👍😎😎😎😎

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