Hogwarts Here We Come

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Harry and I had only been brothers for a week or two. It felt like forever though. As we left Leaky Cauldron, Harry asked what my dream was. I had to tell him and I trust my dreams. They come true, it's like seeing the future.
"You got a dream about our new DADA teacher? It's not going to be true."
"Harry, it's not like that. I had a dream that I would meet you, now look at me. I also ad a dream how Hogwarts looks like as well. The place where we eat dinner is going to be large, with an ceiling that is bewitched to look like the night sky. Four long table, probably the houses that are there. A long table for teachers right at the front. I saw it Harry."
"We might be endangered by a teacher with some kind of stone involved? The philosopher stone? I have no idea what that is. Any way wouldn't the teachers fire him or something?"
"If he doesn't get destroyed then yes."
We looked at our tickets which said 'platform 9 and 3 quarters.'
"Harry there is no platform nine and three quarters."
"I know. Where do we go?"
We heard murmuring as 5 red heads rushed in between platform nine and ten.
"Excuse me, how do you.."
"Get on the platform?" I finished off for Harry.
"Simply run through the walls."
She said in a sweet mothering tone.
"Good luck." The youngest said.
"Thanks." I muttered but loud enough to hear. I gave her a smile but Harry didn't hear. Together we ran into the wall to find our selves in front of a ruby red and black train. As we wondered in, we found the last carriage and sat in it. Draco joined us and a boy called Ron Weasly. Harry and the boys chatted for a bit while k sat stroking my pets.
"Nico what is that you have. Your not allowed those in Hogwarts."
"Hagrid let me so I bought him with me. Any way I don't have any where to put them."
"Your saying you have no parents."
"No. Maybe. Yes." I sighed defeated with all the death glares sent my way.
"Tell us." Harry said.
"I never knew my father. Apparently he died before I was born. My mother was murdered by ... I have no idea. All I remember was her name was Maria Di Angelo. She was sweet and caring with soft chocolate brown eyes..."
"I REMEMBER NOW... Sorry."
"Its fine. That's all I was going to say any way."
The door creaked open and in came a girl. Hermione Granger, but left after seeing us. I shrugged it off and got changed into my robes.

We were standing out side a massive building. Massive didn't even define it. Colossal. But awesome as well.
"I am Professor McGonagall. I will lead you to ..."
I got distracted and only picked out the houses. Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and also Ravenclaw. Then we were led onto a hall, just like in my dream.
"Told you." I said to Harry with a smirk. He was staring at me and all the things that was said in my description. Then the hat called the first years forward. Finally it was left with me and Harry.
Harry Potter. It took 5 minutes then my name was said.
"Nico Di Angelo."
I walked up cautiously making sure not to trip and make myself a laughing stock on first sight. Ron and Harry were in Gryffindor and Draco was in Slytherin.
"Ah gone through lots of pain. Much more than Harry. Haven't sorted your type for over 200 years. Ah alone forgotten in camp. Cunning, sly but brave and courageous. Good luck kid. You'll need it.

The table burst out with cheers as I found my seat near Draco. We ate. Well every one else did then we went to our dorms. I shared mine with Draco and a boy called Zain. Then we went to sleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow. I hoped I would have no dreams today, but as usual it happened.

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