Chapter 31: Her (1/2)

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I woke up deep in Tyler's arms. Ugh, I slept so peacefully it isn't even funny. The warmth of his arms helped me rest my puffy eyes last night. Exactly what I needed.

I didn't want to get up. Tyler was still fast asleep & I just wanted to rest my head on his chest and listen to his soft heartbeat. I love this guy, honestly.

Finally, I decided to start my day. I gently freed myself and went into the bathroom, freshening up.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were still puffy, even after I washed my face. This is sad. Cedric shouldn't even be worth my sorrow. I'm trying my best to forget about him but damn.. What do I have to do to get that faggot off my mind?! That's it! I'll just spend the whole day with Tyler. That should do it.

I ran back into the living room, nudging his shoulder, "Ty, wake up. Wake up, Ty Dollaz." I laughed to myself.

I loved his groovy ass name.

He finally sat up & yawned, "Looks like someone's feeling better." His chuckle came out a bit raspy.

"A lot better, dude." I sat beside him, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Tyyyyyyy.." I traced his thigh with my finger.

"Zoooooo.." He mimicked.

"I wanna go out today, I need to get out of this house."

"I agree. Where to?"

"I don't know. Any places in mind?"

"How about we go out and have breakfast? I'm pretty hungry. I'm sure he or she is, too." He chuckled, rubbing my tummy.

I smiled, "Sounds good."

We stood up & got dressed upstairs in my room.

I looked at my dresser mirror & turned to the side, "Do you think I'm getting bigger?"

"You're a month, right?"


"Um, just a little. I haven't really noticed much so probably not."


Ugh, in under a few months, I'll be getting a lot bigger. I don't mind it though because I'm actually eager to see him/her.

After we were ready, we hopped in my car and he drove. Hopefully we're not going to iHop, it gets old after awhile, hahaha.

Later, we pulled into the parking lot of Denny's. Haha, he knows me way too well.

"Why didn't you go to iHop?" I laughed.

"I don't know, it gets old after awhile." he shrugged.

Wow, weird how we thought the same thing. Anyways, we went inside & sat in a booth. We took our order & began casual conversation.

"So, what's been up with you lately?" He asked, sipping his water.

"Nothing, just putting a lot of thought into the baby's name."

"What have you came up with so far?"

"Nothing, actually." I laughed, "It's really hard."

"I'm telling you, if it's a boy just name it Tyler." He cheesed.

"And I said hell no." I chuckled, "Maybe I'll think of something when I actually start to show."

"Alright. If it's a girl, it has to be something with a T in it. It's mandatory, I don't care what you say." He laughed.

I shrugged, "We'll see. No promises, b."

"Ehh, I guess that's good enough. What do you want to do when we get back home?"

I smirked at him & laughed, "I think you know what I want to do..."

"Damn, being pregnant really does make you women horny. Shit, I ain't complaining!" He laughed.

He was right, being pregnant does make you crave sex 3x more. I needed him inside of me before I start to grow because after I start, I'm sure my doctor will say; "No sex.".

"Hell yeah, I'm horny." I giggled, "I'm craving you like a motherfucker right now."

"Lucky for you, Tyler's on the menu." He smirked, "How would you like him? Dirty? Dirty, dirty or extra dirty?"

I laughed, "Not here Tyler, ask me when we get home, dawg!" I semi-whispered.

He folded his arms and pouted, "Fine. This food better hurry up and come."

I chuckled. Boy oh boy.

Finally, our food came & we ate. Tyler kept playing with his food & talking to the people in the booth next to us. Haha, he's such a goofball, dude. We finally finished and went back home. As soon as we got there, I tackled him onto the couch & kissed all over him.

"Damn, you couldn't wait to get up stairs?" He asked, watching me pull my shirt over my head.

"Nope." I straddled him, leaving hickeys on his neck.

He laughed, grabbing my ass. He began leaving these huge ass hickeys on my chest & shit. Dude, they all felt amazing.

As soon as we were about to pull off our bottoms, the door bell rang. I cussed beneath my breath, pulling my shirt back over my head.

"Who the fuck is this, now?" I asked, irritatedly.

I opened the door & my mouth fell open.


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