Chapter 26: French (2/2)

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Tyler looked at me then back at Eddy. "What the fuck are you about to do?"

I slowly backed away as he came closer. Finally, he grabbed my hand & dragged me towards him.

"Tyler says I can't have you, which is completely not true. I could kiss you right now and he couldn't do shit about it, either." He snaked his arms around my waist.

I looked at Tyler, nervously.

"You wouldn't dare." Tyler muttered at him.

"Yes, I would. You're tied up. What could you possibly do?"

"When I get out of this, I'm going to fuck you up."

"I wouldn't bet on that." Eddy shrugged & laughed.

"Eddy, I'm not going to kiss you!" I tried pushing him away only to have him hug me tighter.

"Let her go, nigga!" Gerard said, walking towards us.

Before he could get any closer Eddy pulled out a gun. Everyone froze & backed up.

"Nigga, calm down! Put that shit down!" Jasper demanded, throwing his hands in the air.

"Fuck that. Zoe has to kiss me first." He licked his lips at me.

"Zoe, just do it! It's the only way!" Na'kel said, hiding behind a tree.

"The fuck she won't!" Tyler shook his head no. "Zoe, don't do it." He glared at me.

I looked at Eddy, "But-"

"She has to, nigga! If she doesn't he'd shoot us all up!" Travis screamed.

"So?! That faggot is not about to kiss her, dammit!" Tyler yelled.

"Fuck Tyler, just do it, Zoe." Gerard said.

I looked at Eddy & my skin crawled. What'd I even see in him, anyways? I had to do this, he had a gun which put all of our lives in much danger. This one's for the team.

I pressed my lips against his for about 30 seconds. His tongue slipped inside of my mouth while I felt Tyler's eyes burn a hole in my back.

"Goddamn, faggot! You don't need to suck her face off!" He yelled.

Fuck it, I can't do this. I pulled away as he gave me one last kiss on the cheek.

"There! You've gotten your kiss, can you let him go now?!" I said, walking over to the wolves.

"Not yet, Zo. Everything's just getting started." He smiled.


While Zoe & that faggot were chatting it up, I whispered over to Travis.

"Dude, untie my hands from behind." I whispered as he tip-toed over to me.

He untied my wrists, successfully and not one of them saw.

"Tyler!" Sarah called, walking over to me.

My head snapped upward as Travis quickly ran off, "Huh!?"

I had to pretend my hands where still tied or she'd squeal to Eddy about it.

She stood in front of me and smirked.

"What, what? What do you want, bitch?" I rolled my eyes.

"I want my fucking kiss. If Eddy and Zoe could kiss, so can we." She kneeled in front of me.

I hate when she does this.

"I'm not going to fucking kiss you so get the fuck up and go on about your business."

"But, Tyler-"

"Nigga, I said no! Scram!" I shifted in my seat.

She began running her hands over my thighs & moaning my name.

Dominique had already made his way over to Zoe 'cause he knew she'd flip any minuet now.

"Dude, stop fucking touching me! I said go!"

Out nowhere, she slapped me across the face.

"Dammit, Tyler!" She screamed, "I'm tired of you pushing me away all the fucking time! What about me!? It can't always be about her!" She stood up.

Everything went silent.

"Oh shit, Tyler just got bitch slapped by a bitch." I heard Travis whisper to someone.

I quickly became angry as I finally decided to slap the shit out of this bitch. Disrespectful ass hoe. I couldn't give two shits if Eddy saw me with my hands untied. No whore disrespects Tyler.

"How dare you fucking put your hands on me, slut!" I screamed as she fell to the ground.

Her cheek turned a dark red while she laughed.

"Ty, chill!" Lionel calmed me down, "Breath!"

"The fuck is going on?!" Eddy asked, walking over.

He saw I was untied & charged towards me. As soon as he was close enough I connected my fist with his jaw as he hit the ground.

He groaned & removed the gun from his back pocket.


"Fuck!" I screamed in pain.

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