Chapter 20: Tamale (3/3)

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I stumbled backwards and from there, my fists started flying everywhere. I deserved to knock her ass out because she came at me first! And I didn't care if she was pregnant, it's all or nothing right now. Fuck her.

Suddenly, I felt two hands grab my shoulders and haul me away from her.

"Fucking hoe!" I spat at her.

Eddy and Tyler had came and broken us up. Tyler tried containing me as Eddy did the same to her.

"Cut the bullshit! You guys are pregnant!" Tyler screamed at us.

"So?! I wasn't done with her! Let me go!" She screamed at Eddy.

"C'mon, Zoe. You obviously can't be here. Eddy, take Sarah home, please?" Tyler said, pushing me back towards the party.

"See? I told you this wasn't a good idea!" I dusted myself off and fixed my hair.

"Sorry, I didn't know she was going to do that!" He picked leaves off my shorts.

I rolled my eyes as Hodgy came up to us.

"Yo, what happened?" He asked.

"That whore, Sarah happened." I took a deep breath.

"Damn, so does this mean the party is over?"

I laughed, "Hell no, if anything it's just getting started."

Tyler walked off, getting himself a drink.

"Um, where's Trent?" I asked.

He had grown on me in such a little amount of time.

"He's with Brain. Want me to go get him?"

"Yes, please." I said as he walked off, retrieving him.

He returned with Trent by his side, sipping his cup of juice.

I kneeled down, "He's so cute." I smiled, fixing his shirt.

"Yeah, he is." Hodgy laughed.

"Thank you." Trent spoke, bitting the rim of his cup.

I stood up, "So, where's his mom?"

"She went to New York to visit family."

"Oh, so you're a single father for now, huh?" I chuckled.

He laughed, "Yeah, kinda. So, what's the baby's name going to be?"

"I don't know, yet."

"That's the same thing Tyler said. You guys should figure out soon because before you know it, it's here!"

I nodded, "Yeah, nothing's coming to me though."

"Don't worry, it's all in the timing."

Gerard and I talked for the whole night. He's really cool. Since he already has a child, he's helping me out a bit. But, I felt Tyler's eyes on me the whole night. Why wouldn't he just come over instead of staring me down. It got annoying, but I ignored it.


Damn, I haven't been able to say two words to Zoe every since she introduced herself to Hodgy. They're getting a bit too friendly. I don't like it. But he's a wolf, we've known each other for years. What do I have to worry about? I'm not going to sweat it because I tend to over think things, like the last situation with Eddy. Nothing really happened between her and Eddy, so I'm sure nothing will happen between her Hodgy. I just couldn't help but feel a little jealous, though.

It got a bit late so I told all the wolves to begin packing things up. This party was a huge success, expect for the cat fight. I wasn't really surprised.

I looked over and saw them still talking with each other. Damn, Hodg. Give it a rest.

"Yo, Hodgy! Are you going to help us or what?" I yelled over to him.

He pried himself away and began picking shit up, "Sorry, nigga. I just-"

"Yeah, man. It's cool, just pack that shit up." I pointed at the tables.

He did as told and within a few minuets, everything was packed up. We all went our separate ways, Zoe and I walked back to her's.

"Did you have fun?" I put my arm around her shoulder.


"Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't mean for that to happen."

"It's whatever."

"So, um... How'd you like Hodgy?"

"He was cool."

"Seems like it because you two were talking all night."

She sighed, "Don't make this a big thing, we're just friends. Plus, he's already taken."

"Yeah, I know that. But what's to stop him from cheating? I mean look at you. You're gorgeous."

She cracked a smile, "Thanks, Ty but nothing will ever happen between him and I. He's your best friend and I'm all yours, remember?"

"I remember." I turned her face towards mine, kissing her lips.

"Oh, and one more thing."

"What's that?"

"Don't ever bring that hoochie to a party I'm at."

I laughed, "Lesson learned."

We got to her stoop. She unlocked her door and turned around, noticing I wasn't behind her.

"You're not coming in?" She asked.

"Nope, I have to go to my mom's house."

"Aw, look at my little momma's boy." She made baby faces at me.

I laughed, "Shut up. Good night, though."

She smiled, "Night." She turned to walk inside.

"Wait." I called as she turned around once more.


"I don't get a kiss? No nothing?"

She walked back down to me, "Sorry about that."

She put her face to mine then we kissed. I tongued that bitch down! I had to give her something to dream about, haha.

She flashed me a smile and went back inside.



That party was awesome. Well, most of it. I really appreciate Tyler doing all that for me, and the wolves did an amazing job on setting things up. It was truly a night to remember.

And Gerard. Him and I clicked so effortlessly. Weird, 'cause that doesn't usually happen with other people. Oh well.

I had to get up early tomorrow to help my sister, so I hopped in bed and pulled the covers up to my neck. It was weird not having Tyler by my side, but whatever.

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