Chapter 19: Tamale (2/3)

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"I don't think this is a good idea, Ty." She eyed her as she approached us.

"Dude, everything's going to be fine. I won't let her touch you."

She folded her arms, "I don't need you to protect me, I could do that on my own. You need to be protecting her if anything."

This is already off to a bad start. I knew this would turn to shit.

"Look, I can't do this. I don't want to talk to her, now. This is such a great party, I just want to enjoy myself." She walked off.

As soon as she walked away, Sarah had arrived.

Sarah laughed, "Look at her, running off. Was she scared?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, she wasn't."

"Then why'd she run off so willy-nilly? I was going to apologize to the bitch but she ran off."

"You couldn't possibly be serious about apologizing if you're still calling her a bitch."

"It's just my pet nickname for her."

"Fuck you. If you're not going to apologize, you could leave."

"Hell no, I'm staying. I didn't get gussied up for nothing."

"Then could you just apologize and stop acting like a bitch nugget?"

"Fine, if you quit breathing down my neck."

"Thank you." I glared at her.

"Where's the bit- I mean, where's Zoe?" She scoped out the area.

"Go find her yourself, but don't do anything stupid. I swear, if you mess up this party, I'm gonna-"

"Gonna do what? What you do to me, I'll do it to Zoe twice as hard."

I eyed her, "Ugh, I hate you so much." I walked away.

She gets under my skin so fucking much, I just wanna- ugh, fuck it. I feel bad for myself for ever liking her, now she won't leave me alone, plus she's blackmailing me in some sort of odd and twisted way. If she wasn't my baby's mother, she would've been dead by now.


There was a few people I haven't met before here, too. I should probably introduce myself since this is sorta my party.

I walked over to two guys. One was tall and one was short. The short one was holding a kid, whom was extremely cute.

"Oh, hey!" The short one looked at me, "Brain, look. It's Zoe."

"Oh, what's up?" Brain smoked his bud.

"Nothing. I haven't seen you two before so I just wanted to introduce myself." I smiled.

"Cool, cool. Well, I'm Hodgy." The short one said.

"Oh, that's cool. That's your real name?"

"Nope, I don't know you well enough to tell you my real name."

"Quit being an asshole, tell her ya' name. It's just a name, nigga." Brain nudged him.

"Fine.. I'm Gerard."

"Oh, cool. What about the little guy?" I waved at him.

"I'm Trenton." He spoke.

He was down-right adorable.

"Aw, nice to meet you, Trent." I said while he smiled at me.

"And you?" I turned towards Brain, "I know Brain isn't your real name."

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