Chapter 1

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Uraraka woke up bright and early, after the fight she had with Bakugou at the Sports Festival she had been wanting to become stronger and better at controlling her quirk. And so every day she wakes up before the sun is even up, just to get the extra training she needs. 

She usually starts off her morning practice nice and simple with just running a few laps. After that, she would start picking up objects (mainly rocks) and carry them in the air as long as possible. On some days she would run laps while having objects in the air, just to put the extra pressure on herself.  


 After her morning practices she comes back to her dorm to take a shower and to get herself ready for class, but when she came back to the dormitories she saw Bakugou sitting on the couch on his phone. She didn't have any reason to say anything to him so she just passed by. "Wow not even a good morning? " Bakugou would ask still looking at his phone. "Why do I have to say that to you? " Uraraka asked with a confused look on her face.

"Because you say that shit to everyone?"


"Tch. Never mind."

Uraraka sighed and was confused by Bakugou. He wasn't making sense of what he was saying, but it is Bakugou, and he never makes sense.  "Oi, round face. What's that ugly thing on your you got on your face?" Bakugou asked looking over at her.  

"Oh, this? It's just a scratch."

"Well, no dip shit. Where did you get it from?"

Uraraka hasn't told anyone that she wakes up extra early for some practice, she didn't want to get anyone worried about her not getting sleep and stuff like that. But it's Bakugou, and he cares about no one. So she told him.

"Why the hell would you wake up that early? And get your stupid face hurt?"  He asked her with a bit of anger.

"To get stronger?" Uraraka answered him with a confused look on why he was asking.

"You're strong enough, alright? And you get enough practice in school." 

"Well I'm not strong enough to beat you, so I will keep getting better and better until I can kick your butt!" 

Bakugou started to laugh. "What's so funny? Wanna share? " Ochako asked.

"You! Your bitch ass actually thinks you can be stronger than me? I'll always be the best." 


Bakugou then got up and went over to her and stood right in front of her.

"Wanna bet?"

She froze for a moment, she knew you couldn't fight your classmates without permission. 

"Oh, Bakugou.. you always just want to stir up fights. Don't you? Well with an ugly attitude like yours, I'm not even surprised you asked." Uraraka said as she looked at his crimson eyes, and walked off to her dorm.

"What the fuck did you say, bitch?" 

Uraraka turned around and said, "Oh didn't your mother tell you to not call ladies bitches?" She saw the anger in his eyes and ran to her dorm locking the dorm door. Uraraka flopped down on her bed and almost died of laughter, she couldn't believe she actually said that. She took a second to check the time and realized she had less than half an hour to get herself ready for school, so she rushed to go take the shower. 


After getting to class Uraraka took her seat, as usual, only to see Bakugou giving her a death stare. "Uraraka, what's up with Bakugou staring at you today?" Iida asked her.

"Oh it must be just something I said, but he's always mad at everyone. So don't worry about it too much."  

Aizawa came in and started class.  "Okay so everyone will be randomly picked into groups of two to do a project on your ups and downs in your quirks. And you need your partner to do the same about themselves and you. You will most likely need to spend the majority of your week with them to observe.  Any questions?"

Everyone shook their head in no. Aizawa then put up the board with the partners. As Uraraka looked up, she saw her name next to Bakugou's. 

She turned around, and Bakugou was already standing behind her, "So I gotta be partners with you, round face?" 

/// hallo! so this is my first fanfiction, so if it's bad that's why :> but I hope that you will enjoy it anyway. //


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