Brownie x Reader

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—— sorry that it sucks lmao ——

"Master Attendant, a-are you okay?" Brownie, being the very responsible butler, (other than Pudding, of course) was transporting goods to the restaurant with his Master Attendant. "I'm fine, Brownie, really!" Y/N confidently said before silently grunting, trying not to alert Brownie.

Unfortunately, Brownie wasn't DEAF and managed to hear Master Attendant's grunts.

"Master Attendant, really, its my duty to protect and help you-"

"Brownie! I'm ok! Real- Ahh!" Y/N was so busy telling Brownie that she was ok, that she forgot to focus on her surroundings. She suddenly noticed one of Bonito Rice's cats on the ground. Luckily,
Y/N dodged it in time but fell abruptly after tripping on her foot and hitting her head against a wall.

A pang of sharp pain shot through her. The last thing Y/N heard was Brownie calling her name.

Then, darkness.

"Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep." That was all Y/N heard...other than some soft sniffles coming from beside her.

Y/N weakly opened her eyes and scanned her surroundings.

"Am I in a hospital??" Y/N asked herself. She turned her head to her right and saw Brownie covering his eyes with the back of his tear-stained glove and softly sniffling. His hand was gently holding Y/N's, hoping that she would eventually wake up.

"Brownie...?" Y/N weakly called out to her faithful butler once. No response. "Seems like he can't hear me..." Y/N thought. "Brownie?" Y/N called, slightly louder.

"Master...Master Attendant?" Brownie asked as he lifted his head.

Y/N gave him a wry smile as she squeezed his hand lightly.

Brownie immediately handed her a glass of water and gave her a concerned look.

"Master Attendant, you should've told me that you couldn't handle the boxes! I was worried sick! Please...please don't do this to me again..." Tears started welling up in his eyes again, but he held them in.

Y/N was so touched by her butler's care, she teared up too! "Brownie..."

"Y-Yes *sniff* Master Attendant?"

"I love you."

Brownie's face turned as red as Spaghetti's hair. He covered his flushed face with his hands but nothing could hide the beaming smile on his face.

"Brownie? Is everything all right?" Y/N asked, concerned.

"Nothing, nothing, Master Attendant..." Brownie replied

"You heard what I said right?" Y/N asked

"..." "Brownie?" "..." "Brownie??" "..." "Brownie...?" "YES I FEEL THE SAME HERE MASTER ATTENDANT." Brownie blurted out, his face even redder than before.

Y/N giggled at Brownie's cuteness and said "Call me Y/N."

Brownie was stunned, he was the first food soul allowed to call his Master Attendant by their name!


Y/N softly chuckled before placing a kiss on Brownie's forehead and drifting off to sleep.

"OH MY GOSH. CREPE DID YOU GET IT???? DID YOU? DID YOU?" Macaroon whisper-yelled at Crepe who was shooting the whole thing with a camera. "OH MY GOSH YES YES YES." Crepe punched the air as the two food souls ran off to spread the video.

Food Fantasy StuffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ