Everlasting Friends

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    Y/N walked through the doors of midtown high school, walking along the white tile hallway filled with beige lockers. She walked right up to her best friend Peter. Once peter saw Y/N walk up to his locker he put the biggest smile on his face.
   "Hello"Peter greeted her, while leaning against the lockers
   "Hello"she greeted back to him while putting her books into her lockers.
    "Are we still going to study at my place later" Peter asked.
    "Yea,I'll  meet you at your place because I have to stop at mine for something"Y/N told him.
Peter and Y/N talked for a little more until the bell rung and they parted ways.
      Y/N and Peter have known each other since third grade and immediately became friends  are now they are junior's in high school. They both live in Queens in the same apartment building but lives a floor above Peter. They're basically family,they would even take bullets for each other that is how strong they're friendship is. It was the end of the school day now,Peter and Y/N were walking home. Once they were at Peter's apartment they got right to studying.
        "Hey,Peter can you help me with this math problem" Y/N asked Peter
         "Yea sure, just wait one sec". Peter said very bluntly still looking at his phone and not even echnologing Y/N that much.
          Y/N couldn't help but think how wierd that was because usually he'd be right by her side there to help.
          "Who are you talking to" Y/N questioned
          "Mhm. oh it's nobody" he said as he shut his phone and put it in his back pocket and walked over to Y/N.
            "Okay?" Y/N said more as a question than a answer.
When they finished studying after a while Y/N decided to go home.
             "Alright i'm going to start heading home" Y/N told Peter
               "Ok I'll see you tomorrow" Peter said without looking up from his phone
                "Ok.see ya" Y/N said confused
She was confused because usually either Peter would convince her to stay or at least walk her out but he did none of that. On her way up to her apartment she kept thinking how off Peter was today.
          The next day at school Peter was off again for example, when Y/N was by her locker and this girl Rebecca who always bullies Y/N knocked down her books. Normally Peter would make sure Y/N was okay and help pick up her books but he did none of that. He also smiled at Rebecca and she smiled back and then he sat with Rebecca and her friends Adam,Alissa and Chris at lunch and these were all the cool kids who bullied him and Y/N. Y/N was surprised because those were the popular kids and Peter is no popular kid he's an outcast like Y/N. After lunch Y/N was walking to class, Peter tried to catch up to her and talk to her but Y/N just kept walking faster and he knew what she was doing and got a little confused about it. Even on they're way home she just had in her ear buds and ignored him the whole time. When Y/N got home all she could think about was Peter either if she was doing homework or watching television or really just anything.
          When Y/N woke up she did not want to go to school she felt horrible and did not want to see Peter. But then here she was walking down the hallway because her mom wouldn't just let her stay home. Y/N was thankful Peter wasn't by her locker but was shocked when all the sudden someone shoved her and her books went falling onto the ground. She wasn't shocked at this part but when she looked up to see who did it, it was Peter laughing with Adam. Y/N was beyond shocked because why would her best friend do this to her, it's not the peter she knows. Y/N was soon taken out of her trance when a girl came and helped pick up her stuff. When they were down Y/N looked up and saw that this girl was in some of her classes.
           "Hey thanks for helping me" Y/N thanked her
            "It's no problem, I'm Aspyn by the way" Aspyn told her
            "I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you".
             After that Aspyn and Y/N became really good friends. It's been two months since the first incident with Peter and he still bullies you at school till this day. Aspyn was even surprised to hear that he did this to you because everyone knew you guys were attached to the hip. Y/N was walking home from school when she realized her shoe was untied so she bent down and started to tie it. Peter was walking behind her texting on his phone and didn't notice that Y/N had stopped to tie her shoe. This ended up with him tripping over Y/N and got really annoyed for some reason.
        "Hey,watch where you just stop" Peter slightly yelled at her
Y/N looked up at him confused
        "Your the one who should have been paying attention and watch where you're going, you know Peter we're not in school you don't have to be a jerk". Y/N told him
         "See this is why I don't hang out with you anymore you're just so annoying" Peter shot back
        "You know what I really don't feel like doing this right now so bye" with that she walked away not caring what Peter has to say next.
          When Peter got bacon home all he could think about is how Y/N called him a jerk. Then Peter thought about how he was a jerk ever since that day Chris started texting him about homework and then how Chris started joking around with him the next day. Now that Peter thinks of it Chris,Alissa,Rebecca and Adam only really became friends with him for good grades or anything like that. The biggest thing he regrets is how he treated Y/N and how he let Adam and Alissa and all them tell him to do those things with her. All the sudden Peter shot up from bed put on his shoes and headed up to Y/N' apartment. When Peter got there he hesitated when knocking on the door, when Y/N opened the door she was stunned.
          "Can I come in" he asked her
Y/N stepped aside so he could come in. He immediately went and sat on the couch, Y/N followed
         "I am so sorry for the way I acted and treated you, it's all because of Chris and his friends and I'm just so sorry" Peter rambled.
          "Peter I forgive you, even though you were a huge jerk, you did the right thing and came to me and apologized,but you do owe me big time" Y/N told him.
Peter didn't even reply he just hugged her and Y/N was so happy and couldn't help but think how she got her best friend back.


Peter Parker Imagines Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon