Studying gone wrong

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Lately you've been having trouble in math you've been trying to keep up with the rest of the class but it just got to confusing. So you thought of one solution and that is to ask your boyfriend Peter for some help. You thought of Peter straight away because he's the smartest person you know.
At lunch you walked up to your usual table and sat right next to Peter. "Hello" peter greeted then pecked your lips. "Hello" you greeted back "so I was wondering if u can tutor me with math maybe because I don't get what's going on and I just really need to catch up" you asked. "Yea sure you can come over after school and we can start". "Ok thank you so much" you said then kissed his cheek.
You and Peter walked in to his house and you were immediately greeted by Aunt May "Hi Y/N how are you doing" she said while hugging you. "I'm doing great how bout you" "I'm good thank you". " uh we're going in my room" Peter said "Ok just keep the door the open" Aunt May yelled back to you. You and Peter walked into his room and started to your stuff out and sat on his bed.Peter stared to review everything with you then had you do some problems on your own. "Ok so did I do this one right?" you asked Peter looked it over "um you were supposed to put the 2 up there and the 6 over here" Peter said said showing you with his pencil. You guys have been studying for a good 2 hours now. "Can we take a break?" You asked "yea sure, what would you like to do?" "Just relax for a little" you said while laying down. "Okay" Peter said laying down next to you. He put his arm around you and pulled you towards him while you nuzzled you face into his neck. " I love you" Peter spoke in a whisper "I love you too" And that was the last thing you both said until you fell asleep.
Peter's eyes flew open when he started to feel his Spidey senses tingling. He got up slowly to make sure not to wake you up and put on his Spider-Man suit. Before he left he kissed your head and said an I love you.
Time skip
You woke up when you heard shuffling in peter's room. You sat up a rubbed your eyes and when your vision cleared all you saw was a bloody Peter. You got up right away and rushed to him "Oh my god what happened?" You asked while Peter took off his suit "I was fighting these robbers and this one guy had a knife and cut me" Peter said in whisper gesturing to the huge cut along his torso. Peter then stared walking to his bed and sat down on the floor and leaned against the bed, you ran to the bathroom and grabbed gauze,rubbing alcohol,water and a wash cloth. Once you had everything you went right  back to Peter's room and sat down beside him. You poured some rubbing alcohol on the wash cloth "This is going to hurt" Peter only nodded, you stared to dab some to the wound and peter bit his lip and made a tight fist.
You were all done with cleaning Peter's cut and putting gauze on it. you went and lied down on Peter's bed wile he put on a T-shirt and sweatpants. After he was done he went and joined you both of you stared at the ceiling speechless. " This was not how I expected studying to go" you broke the silence "Yea me either" you both have a soft laugh. You turned your head and so did he and studied each other's faces and leaned in for a kiss at first it was slow and passionate and then all the sudden it was hard and rough and you were on top of him. You guys were so in grossed with each other you didn't even hear Aunt May calling you, when she got no response she walked into Peter's room and was a little shocked. "PETER BENJAMIN PARKER" Aunt May yelled, Peter and you jumped a little and peter pushed you off of him to the side of the bed. "May w-we were just um...studying?" Peter said questioning the last part, you just sat there with a flushed face embarrassed about what's happening. "Mhm sure whatever, just don't make me catch you doing it again". "Okay we'll make sure of it" Peter said awkwardly " Y/N will you be staying for dinner?" May asked like nothing happened "Yea I'll stay" you said. "Well alright I'll call you when it's ready" May said while leaving the room. You Peter just sat there in silence for a minute "Well that was awkward and embarrassing" you said "yes,yes it was".


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