Uncle Ben

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You walked into the cafeteria starving and ready to eat your lunch. You go and sit down across from Ned and get suspicious when you don't see Peter.
"Hey Ned...where's Peter?" Ned gets a shocked expression "oh he didn't tell you"
You shook your head no "Uncle Ben got shot last night"
You sat there with a worried expression "are you ok" Ned asked. You nodded slowly " I-I gotta g-go" you said running out of the school
Your standing in front of Peter's apartment door hesitant if you should knock or not but after a few seconds you knocked. After you knocked it took a little for Aunt May to open the door. When you saw her you can tell she's been crying all day.She stepped aside to let you in and when you were you gave her the biggest hug.
"I'm so sorry May" you said starting to tear up "thank you" May said barley over whisper but you were still able to hear her. You pulled away from the hug and gave May a reassuring smile. "Peter's in his room" she told you, you nodded and started walking to Peter's room. You knocked slowly on his door before peaking inside, you saw Peter laying in his bed facing the wall.
"Peter" you said softly he turned to you and got up and hugged tightly and started to cry. Him crying also resulted to you crying. You and Peter have been best friends since third grade and you hate seeing him like this. You like to see happy,adorable Peter because when Peter's happy your happy. You sat Peter down on his bed while he still cried in your shoulder. After awhile he started to come down.
"Thank you Y/N for being here" he said in a weak voice while looking at you "No problem Peter" you said softly while pushing his hair back.
You wanted to get Peter's mind off of Uncle Ben so you suggested a movie Peter agreed and decided he wanted to watch Star Trek for a change.You walked into the living room and put in the movie while Peter went to go get a blanket. Both of you sat on the couch and  cuddled up to each other, You and Peter always cuddled and held hand and never got weird over it, it was just something you guys always did. You were halfway through the movie when you heard peter softly snoring so you decided you'd take a nap as well.
You woke up at about seven O'clock and decided to go home since Peter was still sound asleep. You got up off the couch trying not to wake up Peter. You grabbed all your things said goodbye to May and walked back to your apartment, you only lived a floor above Peter. Once you got back to your apartment your mom greeted you
"Hey Y/N/N" "Hey mom,how was work" you asked your mom "it was good... hey did Peter tell you about Ben"she asked " yea I was just with him" you answered " how are they holding up" your mom asked with a sympathetic face "they could be better" you said sadly "maybe I'll stop by there tomorrow" you nodded and headed to your room and started your Homework.
You were woken up from your sleep with a call from Peter.
"Hello" you said still half asleep "Hey Y/N can you come over" Peter said crying " yea-yea I'll be there in a sec" you hung up and put on your shoes.
You then went down the fire escape and climbed into Peter's room, you both did this all time much more recently because your always patching up Peter from his Spider-Man duties. Niece you made it into Peter's room he came and hugged you sobbing
"I-it was Unc-Uncle B-Ben" Peter said stuttering "Hey, Hey it's ok" you said in a hushed voice Peter just continued to cry. When Peter calmed down you sat on his bed with his head on your shoulder and your head leaning on his.
"It's all my fault" Peter said softly, you turned your head to him with a confused expression "What do you mean?" You asked "I-I could've stopped him but I didn't and it's all my fault Uncle Ben is dead" Peter rambled "Hey I'm positive this is not your fault non of this is and there's no way that you could of done this so stop blaming it on yourself because this is not your fault and I'm sure Uncle Ben would not want you blaming it on yourself" you said to Peter and he slowly nodded knowing you were right.
After a little You and Peter lied down on his bed just enjoying the silence and eventually just fell asleep wrapped in each others arms


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