Stark's Daughter

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You were walking into the living room of the avengers compound to find everybody on the couch ready to have the usual movie night. You went to your spot on the couch next to Steve. Tonight it was your turn to pick a movie and you picked Y/F/M and it was expected to everybody that you would pick that. You were halfway into the movie and all you could think about was Peter. Ever since he joined the avengers you've had a crush on him and Peter's also had a crush on you but Tony had already told him you were off limits and that's why Peter never bothered to ask you out.
The movie finished and everybody went to sleep except for you and Peter. You guys were in the living room just talking about anything that was on your mind.then there was just silence,but it was a comfortable silence. Then all the sudden you both started to lean in and  kissed. It was great it's all you've ever imagined and it's all he ever imagined.
"Wait we can't do this" he said. "Why not" you asked. "Because it's wrong, Mr.Stark said you were off limits and if I went behind his back and started dating you and stuff he would kill me". "Why does it matter to him? This doesn't involve him". You said gesturing between the both of you. "Y/N this kind of does involve him, I mean your his daughter for crying out loud,this revolves all around him". "But Peter tell me a reason besides my father about why we shouldn't be together"
He paused for a second. "I-I don't know" "Exactly Peter that's why we should be together,nobody has to know". He stopped to think " alright fine but nobody finds out". You nodded

It's been a month since you and Peter have been sneaking around the compound. It was just another night that you and Peter were just hanging out in your room while everybody else was asleep. "Maybe I should go back to my room". "No I don't want you to got back yet". You said and started to kiss him,he immediately fell into it. You went and straddled him making the kiss more passionate and intense. He started kissing
Down your neck and collarbone then back up to your lips. You guys were so into the kiss that you didn't even here the door open. "Hey Y/N- WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" Tony screamed,Peter jumped which also made you fall off of him onto the floor. " fuck" you muttered "Tell me why I just saw you and my daughter making out" Tony said pointing to Peter ."It's not what it look like" you said in a unconvincing way " yea not gonna buy it" said Tony. "Look Mr.Stark don't blame Y/N for this it was all my fault" "No Peter don't, dad I swear I'm the one that pushed Peter into it". "I don't care who's fault it was, you guys are forbidden to be together, hang out, nothing". "but dad" you said, your eyes getting watery "don't dad me you heard me I don't want you guys near each other". "Mr.Stark" "NO THATS IT I MADE UP MY MIND" both you and Peter flinched and Tony pulled Peter out the room with him. Once you heard the door close you immediately started to cry.

It was the next morning. You woke up and just stayed in your bed didn't even bother to get up at all . Natasha came in your room with and tray of breakfast and put it on your nightstand. "Hey" Nat said in a concerned tone "Hey" you said back with a groggily voice "Tony told everybody what happened". You nodded slightly. " I think it's a little over dramatic about what he settled on". You let out a little laugh " ya think" .  "you should try talking to him" nat said "yea like that's gonna help" "you never know" Nat said as she left the room. You decided to finally get up and start your day. You walked into the kitchen and the first face you saw was Peter, you both gave each other sad expressions.Tony interrupted your gaze of each other when he walked into the room. "Good Morning sweetheart" Tony said to you . You just gave him a death glare,grabbed your jacket and walked out of the compound. Tony had a disappointing expression.

You came home around 2:37 am and saw everybody in the living room. "Oh thank god your home, we were so worried" Steve said coming up to hug you " yea where did you go" Bucky said "out" you replied starting to walk out of the room. "Y/N Stark get back here right now!" Tony yelled. You stopped dead in your tracks and turned around,Everybody walked out of the living room to go anywhere but there. "What made you think you could just leave without telling me where your going and come back at 2 something in the morning acting like nothing ever happened!" Tony said while you just stood there with a blank expression. "Look I know your mad about what happened last night with Peter but it's for the best" he said with sympathy. " How was any of that for the best? You took the one thing away from me that actually made me happy and the person that I have fell in love with" when Tony heard you say those things it just broke his heart to know he took away the away the only thing that Made you happy and and that you actually fell in love with him. Tears started coming down your face slowly. "Alright fine" Tony said. "What?" You asked "you can be with him". "Really?" "yea" tony said in a remorseful tone"thank you dad" you said ran to Peter room and knocked on the door,Peter stoped what he was doing and went to open the door and he was shocked when he saw you, "oh Y/N I-" you didn't let him finish because your lips were already on his, he didn't hesitate to kiss you back. You pushed him into the room and kicked the door closed behind you. "Wait" Peter said as he stopped the kiss "What about your father?" "He said it was ok" you assured. He smirked a little while leaning into kiss you. You both smiled into the kiss.
"I love you" he said "I love you too".


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