A Dark Turn

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A day or two went by since Wendy confessed to Peter, she is slowly losing her patience. They don't even have a decent plan yet. She can't sit still anymore, She owes it to Micheal. She hás to dó something. She gestures to Quinn to follow her and takes him outside The Hole.

'Quinn, do you know where Trix is?'

'Yes, why?' he asks with a concerned face.

'Just tell me please, don't give me such a hard time' she begs him.

A look of doubt appears on his face en Wendy sees that there is no way he's going to tell her.

'You díd go behind my back and told John you know?' she says, trying to guilt him into telling her.

'Well I can't promise she's there but she often goes to the shore to clear her mind or something like that...' he still looks suspiciously, but he also looks guilty.

'Don't do anything stupid okay?' he says with an urgent tone.

'Fine, what you want' she mumbles.

A few moments later, during the lunch, she excuses herself from the table. Peter looks at her with an interrogatory face, and she tries to not look suspicious.

'What I'm just going to pee' she says and her heart beats fast as she tries to let her smile seem relaxed.

As soon as she is out of sigh she runs in the direction of the shore, she doesn't really know how to get there but she doesn't care she will find it eventually.

It was already late in the afternoon when she reached her destination.

The shore is beautiful, the ground is filled with pure white sand and the sea is intense blue. A pier made of old wood went into the ocean, Trix is sitting at the end with her tiny feet hanging above the waves, she looks hypnotizingly peacefull. Wendy quietly walks up to Trix. She patiently waits until Trix looks up from the water.

'Can I ask you something?' she asks nervously.

'Sure' sighs Trix reluctantly.

'Do you know...' Wendy pauses for a second, trying to find the right words, words that will not offend Trix. '...a way out?'

'what?' asks Trix non-understanding.

A feeling of panic comes over Wendy, but she knows she can't back down now.

'I...I need to get out of here' she blurts out.

A dark look appears on Trix's face and Wendy's heart is now beating in her chest like a bird fluttering in his cage.

'Why would you think I'd tell you?' Trix mumbles in a low voice.

'Because... Because...' stutters Wendy, Trix is right, why would she tell her?

'You can come with us?' she suggests in a doubting voice.

A sarcastic laugh escapes from Trix' mouth.

'You think I can leave? 'Cause I cán't, and neither can you!'

Even though Trix seems upset, Wendy can see there's something she knows and isn't telling her.

'You're lying...' Wendy whispers with her eyes pinched. 'I can't believe it!'

She starts to see red as she looks at the glowing girl.

'How can you do this!? You know that we don't wánt to be here right? It isn't the perfect place you believe it to be! We're here forced, abducted, we have no choice!' She screams while jumping up and clenching her hands into fists.

Wendy's chest heavenly moves up and down and Trix slowly gets up. She isn't screaming or throwing a tantrum, in fact, she is completely silent, but that makes it even more threatening. Her eyes are cold and dark and Wendy has to try really hard to not diminish under her eyes.

'Perfect place? Pérfect place!?' her voice drips with disgust as she looks at Wendy. 'I'm misshapen! You think I was bórn with this? This is my punishment and I will never escape it...'

Trix voice breaks and she turns away from Wendy.

'Your punishment? Trix, what do you mean?'

Trix turns until she's facing Wendy again.

'I jumped. I thought there was no other escape...' hisses Trix. '...I wanted to fall off the cliff, I hoped to end my life...'

Suddenly Wendy looks at her with different eyes. Trix always seemed happy and carefree to her, but this makes her reconsider this image. Knowing that there was a time that she was so desperate she wanted to end it all...

'There's a cave' mumbles Trix out of nowhere. 'I don't know why, but it leads to the regular world, instead of this...prison'

'Trix,' Wendy bows a little in her direction. 'Thank you'

'Don't jubilate...' Trix' eyes still stand dark. 'I have no clue how it works, you're going to have to find that out for yourself...'

Wendy's eyebrow rises a little, but she can see Trix isn't going to tell her more. So instead she thanks her again and quietly walks away, leaving Trix alone with her dark memories.

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