The Opposite

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When they arrive at the Hole after a long walk they see John folding the blankets through the window, together they stand by the window watching John stir in the pot above the fire. They are thinking what they should tell him and how mad he's going to be.

'Wendy!' John notices Wendy and Pan standing outside, he wipes his tears off his cheeks for the millionth time this day and runs outside to fly his sister in her arms.

Peter almost immediately pulls him of her.

'Thats enough hugging' he says with a strict voice.

Wendy's mood changes from happy to confused, and so does her face.

'But, Peter...' she says with a sad voice, she sounds very confused and disappointed

'Enough, you listen to what I say you only make your brother a softy' he says with a disgusting voice, although his eyes seem to apologize.

'Where have the two of you been al this time, I worried myself sick' John says with an angry but mostly melancholic tone.

'Wendy had to make a new dreamcatcher, and you shouldn't care for her that much, she's just a girl...'

He is really trying to get me mad, Wendy thinks. She pinches her eyes together.

'You disgust me!' she hisses with a vicious look.

'You can come out boys, lock Wendy up in her cell will you?'

Wendy scares when the boys jump out of the bushes, they have been there all the time and Peter knew.

'Of course Pan.' they say like a choir, with a lot of laughter and big smiles on there faces they grab Wendy by her arms, only Quinn doesn't grab her and his eyes are apologizing to John because he can't stop them.

'Let me go, I said let me go!' she crabs and struggles to get out of the boys' grip but she can't.

'Let my sister go' says John filled with anger.

'No John, we can't, we have orders. So actually you should help us, or do you wanna be thrown in a cell yourself? And besides it's so fun to do this, why should we stop?' says the oldest and meanest boy.

'Help the boys John, or otherwise I'll make you' says Peter with a distant look.

'I'm sorry Wendy' says John while trying to hold in his tears.

'It's okay Jo- Auch, you're hurting me stop it!'

But Wendy doesn't have anything to say anymore. Without mercy, the boys throw her into her rusty cell and as she lands with a hard smack on the stone floor she can only wonder why, why her?

They give her a last look and with a bang they close the cell and pull John away from her.

She gives them an angry look, but the second they leave the room she bursts into tears, she could've known that Peter wasn't as nice as he seemed.

Her head hurts and her arms are filled with bruises because of the boys that were way to ruff. Even closing her eyes hurts. It's already morning so she can't even sleep through her misery. She rests her head against the cold bars in the hope it would help against the bump on her head. She can smell the soup the boys are drinking for lunch and it makes her very hungry. She can hear the happy laughter and she feels that she's getting jealous.

Peter comes in with a bowl of soup, he doesn't look at Wendy at all, he doesn't say a word. He just shoves the bowl through the rusty bars of the cold cell and then he rushes out.

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