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Wendy and Peter are walking up the hill. A soft summer breeze is blowing. It's been warm ever since she got here and it's is one of the things she likes about Neverland. Wendy quickly glances at Peter, he looks so peaceful, for the first time since she's meet him he looks free of worries. He looks like he belongs here. She looks away again en looks at the gorgeous view. The horizon is red from the sundown and it sets the whole landscape in an orange glow.

It doesn't look like anything she has ever seen, at first look it just seems like some hills, but when you're closer it is so much more. Between the leaves she can see little pieces of the sky that look like starlight, and she can notice little movement, white fur, singing birds. She's overwhelmed.

'Wendy?' Peters soft voice breaks the spell and wakes her up from her trance.

'What?' she asks a little agitated by the interruption.

'We are here...' he says, pointing at a big tree.

It seems to be placed in a huge nutshell.

'What's that? Why is it there?' Wendy asks pointing a the shell.

Peter frowns.

'I don't know, Neverland provides what we need, there must be a reason, we just don't question the island' he answers, he looks like it's the first time he had to explain it to somebody. Maybe it was, Wendy didn't know.

'You talk about the island like it's a person' she replies with a little smile, even though it isn't funny.

Peter says nothing and Wendy's smile melts away. Without saying anything he walks up to the tree and starts to climb the nutshell. It is about twice the size of Wendy, which means it is like on and a one and a half the size of Peter, but she doesn't say anything. Wendy learned to stop asking questions a while ago.

When she gets on top of the shell Peter is already waiting, the shell was slippery and it was harder to climb then she thought, but he didn't look tired at all. However, she couldn't see his face because he was facing the huge tree and looking at it like it was divine.

'Are you going to tell me what you want me to do now?' she cowers a little when she hears how misplaced her voice sounds in the quiet night.

He turns around and doesn't look mad, he still has the serene look on his face. He's a totally different person then she has got to know in the past time, she's not sure whether that's a good thing.

'I need your help to make something' he answers, and somehow his voice doesn't seem out of place at all.

He does a few steps to the tree en out of nowhere he jumps into the tree. He pulls himself up with his arms and keeps repeating it until he's high in the tree. Wendy stares at the tree, admiring Peter's climbing skills, until he's not visible anymore between the leaves. Suddenly a loud sound of snapping branches comes from above.

'Peter!?' screams Wendy in panic. 'Are you okay?'

It's quiet for a few excruciating seconds.

'I'm okay!'

Wendy sighs in relieve as Peter appears again when he climbs down. His arms are filled with twiggs and a few of them drop of the pile as he lands on the ground.

'What the hell was that! Why would you do that!' yells Wendy as an angry frown appears on her face.

Peter frowns. He has no clue what Wendy means. Then it hit him, she was talking about the tree.

'Oh, you mean thát! I was just collecting branches' he answers, a big smile on his face as he is looking at the pile in his arms.

'jerk' she hisses with an irritated look.

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