Tears And Teddybears

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As John is walking back to the hole, he's thinking that he can finally see his sister again. It's been a long day filled with hunting, adventures and walking and his legs are tired. He thinks about his sister, and how he wishes she could come along with these adventures. And while his mind is wondering of all the adventures he's had in the past few days, he didn't notice the small teddy bear on his path that causes him to stumble. The boy in front of him catches him and puts him back on his feet.

When he looks at the ground searching for the thing that caused John to trip, he sees the teddy bear. John looks at the boy he seems older than the rest of the boys, like 15 or 16 years old. As his eyes glide to the face of the young man and he sees a terrified look in his eyes, John has never seen someone so terrified.

'Are you okay?' he asks carefully.

The boy awakes from his stare.

'I'm fine, thank you' he says with a distant look on his face.

'What's your name?' he asks.

'My name is John Darling,' he says proudly. 'and what is yours?'

'My name is Quinn' he says with a sound of sadness in his voice.

What John doesn't know is that the boy is thinking about his family back home that he suddenly starts to miss.

'Nice to meet you' he says in a formal tone.

He looks at the teddy bear that the boy is holding, it reminds him of Micheal, and for the first time since he got here, he feels homesick. Tears slowly well up in John's eyes. Then he feels a warm large hand grabbing his shoulder and quickly pulling him into The Hole.

'You can never show your tears around here, do you understand?' Quinn says to John with a strict voice. He almost sounds mad.

'But, I miss my home and my family' his eyes are filled with tears.

'I know, I know' he says while trying to calm John. 'But you can't show that you're vulnerable.' he looks very worried.

But then he puts a smile on his face and he says:

'The boys will be busy outside for another hour, so we can stay here until you're eyes are dry.'

After some time they go to search for Wendy but they can't find her. They walk to the door to search outside, the other boys don't even look up. they are too busy with playing card games and gambling. Outside the sun is already down, the quit warm night surrounds the boys, in the moonlight John's eyes shimmer of tears. John breaks the silence by screaming Wendy's name until he has no voice left. He falls asleep while crying on Quinn's shoulder. When he wakes up he's in the Hole, he smells the fresh bread and the warm air from outside. He hears voices argue.

'I really don't care if Wendy ran away or not!'

It's one of the bigger boys.

'Yeah, you kind of made that clear now, but what do you think Pan will think?' says a voice, with a shock John recognizes Quinn

'It seemed that Pan didn't like her too...' notices a young voice.

John feels angry and sad once he realizes what the conversation is about. Wendy has left him? She would never do that! He quietly gets out of bed and stumbles into the room.

'You got to help her, she wouldn't leave,' says John. 'she's my sister...'

He tries to hold in his tears wat results in an angry look on his face.

'Fine, if she's not back in two days we'll go look for her' says the eldest boy.

'But...' starts John, but he quickly shut his mouth when he sees the faces of the other boys.

They all agree that John has to stay in the Hole while they go hunting in case that his sister comes back, but he knows it is just a punishment because he cares about Wendy.

'Come on boys, let's go steal from those Indians, John you have to cook, wash and do al Wendy's chores tonight. Understood?'

'Yes' he sighs and as soon as they shut the door he bursts into tears.

Trix feels the warm evening surrounding her, it smells like cinnamon, honey and hay. Like the apple pie her mom used to bake in the autumn. It reminds her of the summers of her childhood that she dearly loved. When Trix arrives at the Hole it is already sunset and her eyes are filled with tears.

John is folding the blankets when he sees Trix coming in, he quickly wipes the tears off his cheeks, then he sees her tears, she looks almost as devastated as he must look. He never saw Trix sad before and it worries him, but he knows not to ask questions. He gives her a tiny cup of tea and goes back to work.

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