At Home

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Once upon a time, there was a girl named Wendy Darling. She lived with her two brothers, her parents and her dog. She was a regular child. She woke up, went to school and to bed again, actually if you think about it her life was pretty boring. And then everything changed.

It was just starting to get dark in the white streets when the family Darling went to bed. Mrs. Darlings first put her youngest son to bed, Micheal, next was John and lastly Wendy. The children smiled satisfied and Mrs. Darling walked over to the door. She gave her children a loving smile and said:

'Goodnight my darlings...'

And then she closed the door, leaving the children alone in the dark room. For a few minutes it went well until a small ticking noise came from the window.

'What's that?' Micheal asked, sounding a bit scared.

'I'm sure it's nothing.' Wendy replied, trying her best to sound mature.

She had no intention of getting out of her cozy bed, but then a high, nervous voice came from the smallest bed.

'Wendy? I am scared...'

The last word sounded more like scrward from the small boy's mouth, but it was obvious what he was trying to say. Wendy softly sighed, but then she reluctantly stepped out her bed and in her night clothes she tip-toed to the window. She opened the window and shivered when the cold air came into the room. Just outside the window, in the big tree in front of the window sat a raven. Its eyes shimmered in the light of the lamppost.

'It's just a raven.' she said to her brothers, actually a bit relieved herself.

Just when she was about to close the window she noticed a little light. Cautiously she backed up from the window. Behind her John had already got up from his bed and he was leaning to the side to see what Wendy was seeing. In the dark sky there was one star that was getting larger and larger.

'Watch out!' a squeaky voice yelled.

Wendy and John both ran to another side of the room as the tiny light crashed on the floor, leaving a dark stripe in the middle of the carpet their mother loved so much. With a curious look on her face Wendy approached the tiny light and then she realized it was a tiny girl.

'We found it, we found it! PETEEER!' she screamed, filled with excitement.

Outside the window appeared a shadow. Cautiously a boy climbed into the room.


He froze when he sees Wendy and John. For a few seconds they just stand still and look at each other, the teenage girl, her slightly older brother, the strange glowing girl and the boy who looks normal, but just climbed through the window of the second floor of their house.

'I mean no harm.' he says while putting his hands in the air.

'Then what dó you want?' Wendy asked suspicious.

'I'm Peter. I've come for the boys...' he said like it was the most normal thing in the world.

John flinches. He's a year older than Wendy, but with his giant glasses and nerdy appearance he looked like two years younger.

'What do you mean "I've come for the boys", where to?' John asked anxiously.

'Neverland.' answered Peter with a confident smile.

John looked at him with a non-understanding look.

'Don't you know Neverland? That's insane! It's the best place EVER!' glowing girl said energetically.

'Oh really? Then what is so awesome about it?' John asked.

'It's a place where there is no time. You never grow up...'

A doubtful look appeared on the children's faces.

'But it's good, there is no bedtime and we live in this beautiful forest, and the best thing?' Peter corrects her.

Before he can answer the rhetorical question glow girl yelled:


The children's faces light up.

'Really?' John asked with his eyes wide open.

'Really.' answered Peter.

He gestures to John.

'Do you want to go to Neverland?' asked Peter with a grin.

John nods.

'John!' Wendy cries out.

He turns around irritated.

'I'm going to go!'

She sighs and turns to her youngest brother.

'And you?' asked Peter directly to Micheal.

The little boy looked at him with big eyes and then, against everyone's expectations the little boy shook his head.

'I don't wanna leave Mommy' he mumbled.

'Well we kind of had two spots reserved for you both...' Peter answered.

'But I don't want to leave!' Micheal protested.

'But-' started Peter.

Than Wendy interrupted, this random boy just told her brothers to leave and now he's pressuring Micheal? Enough.

'He does not want to go.'

'Wel someone has to you see, a reserved spot is a huge honor and-'

'Than I'll go.' Wendy says, rudely interrupting the glowing girl.

Immediately all the voices turned quiet.

'You can't go.' The boy said.

'Why not!?'

'Because you... you're a girl...'

'Why can't I? Equal rights and stuff? remember?' she said highly irritated.

He frowned a little, like he didn't understand.

'If she can't go, I won't either.' John said with a frown.

The boy takes a quick look at the sky outside and sighs irritated.


For a split second he looks terrifyingly mad, but somehow he's able to put on a smile and if you haven't seen the angry look on his face, it would be like nothing had happened, but John did see it.


The glow girl, Trix apparently, flies over to John and sprinkles some kind of powder over him. She does the same to Wendy and the boy. And then they start floating. It takes a few tries, but around the third time they both manage to stay stable and the four of them fly off through the window, leaving the youngest of the Darling children behind. It doesn't take long before the boy processed what happened and burst into tears, waking up mister and Mrs. Darling, who are about to have the biggest scare of their lives.

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