Chapter XI

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"You wait for me to sleep Enchantress." He stated rather than asked.
"Do you not wish to sleep vampire? It is morning and the sleep must call you." I whispered.
"I will not be lulled to sleep so easy. You appear to be in a good mood so I risk never opening my eyes again if I do close them."

I chuckled at him wishing he would sleep so I could get this over with.

"Why must you hate my kind?" He questioned.
"Why must you exist?" I gave back.
"Is the war that has brough this hatred? Are you just like those who want to stage a coup?"
"The war was because of your rancid bloodline."
"That's where you are wrong." He retorted sitting up. " Xander was not of my bloodline. He was an orphan taken in by the then royal family, my grandparents. He was raised as brother to my father. But when my father was to claim the throne, he killed my parents to wipe out the royal family. I got away only as a mere child."
"And what of Lilia?"
"My sweet enchantress, they were in love. Both our nations felt it. But Xander had gone mad for power and killed her in a fit of rage because he thought he would lose his throne. He was never quite the same. By the time I had taken my revenge he was longing to die anyway. A vampire is but a shell without his fated. " Are you a shell without me?
"Our prophecy was already foretold. We will be tied and at act as the thread that sews our nations back together. We will create heirs for the throne and lead this kingdom together. I think two or three children will suffice. You will not disappoint me, of this, I am sure."

"I will not disappoint you, vampire; I will kill you with my own two hands."
"We'll see." Was his last comment on the matter then we fell into silence.

"If not the war, then why do you hate us?"
"I told you already. You exist."
"Come on, princess. Tell me."
Princess? My mind flashes back to Ceres telling me she is my mother.
"Vampires attacked my parents and murdered them before my eyes. Then tried to kill me."
"But you know they weren't your real parents." He stated bluntly.
"And what of it? They raised me. What could you know about me?" I growled.
"I watched the Queen of Witches birth you as I slept. I watched you play. The first time you controlled someone I saw it. I saw you live out your life since you were a child. I even saw you hunt down those vampires across Netherlands."
"You...watched?" My voice trembled at the thought of him seeing everything.
" All vampires see their fateds in their dreams. I've known you your entire life. I know you, Enchantress."
"You know nothing." I snared. Leaving the room to go watch TV.

I would kill them all. That was my pledge, I swore it over my parents' bodies. After that I was a slave to vengeance. I needed them all to be dead. I journeyed across the lands, barefooted and hunger. I attacked them wherever I saw them. I slaughtered them. I enjoyed it. I was always covered in their blood; the smell of death was my perfume. I spent years upon years simply killing them until Ceres found me.
She told me that I'd be safe with her. She fed me. She sheltered me. She convinced me that Witches and Vampires were century long enemies and that she'd help me kill them. She told me I would be a queen if I came with her. I'd be a queen who could kill vampires as I pleased. So, I went with her. She had kept her word and we did kill vampires together at least at first, we did. Then she told me the prophecy and little by little we killed less. We didn't go hunting but waited for them to attack. She started telling me of my destiny rather than helping me get my revenge. She started trying to change me.


I spent hours in front of the television. Humans were very entertaining... Moving pictures. Over the centuries, many humans have crossed over. Each one bringing some new creation from their world. If lucky those humans get turned into a Netherlander. They helped develop our world with technology we never would have thought of. Stuck in our ways, we didn't adapt to their cars, but we took to the television. We didn't adapt their phones, but we liked to indulge in some of their foods and fashion.

"Witches are being wiped out by this war. They are dying or fleeing to the human world."

The human world... All I'd have to do was find the map to get there. I would get away from Ceres, from the prophecy, my destiny... him.

I moved into the bedroom as quietly as possible. Keeping my steps light. I took him in. Shirtless and stretched on the silk sheets, his muscles were ripped and defined. He let his hair fall over his shoulders.
I'd tell you he looked harmless, but he oozed danger and fierceness and that did things to me. I moved toward him. I had to bite my lip to avoid moaning when he shifted, and his muscles flexed.

Hello readers. I just want to thank those who vote and those who read this book. Continue to read, vote, comment and enjoy my books 😘

EnchantressOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant