I wish that I could have this moment for life.

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Okay heres the next part :) I really like writing this story & I hope people like it too, but to me it doesnt really seem like it because I don't get any comments or votes :( I don't mean to sound like i'm begging but I would REALLY appreciate if after you read you could leave me a comment/vote. :) I just want to know if people are interested & whether I should keep writing it or not. Ok thanks, & i hope you like this chapter :) xx


(Jai's pov)

I can't believe Abi was mine, I had the most perfect girl in the world as my girlfriend. After the date Abi and I headed back to my house.

As soon as we walked in my house Beau ran up to us "Hey how'd the date go?" he asked. I glanced at Abi and noticed she was blushing, damn she looked so cute when she blushed. "It was awesome man, uh me and Abi are a couple now" I told him. Beau then decided to announce it to the whole house "HOLY SHIT EVERYONE JAI'S GOT HIMSELF A NEW GIRLFRIEND!! HE'S NOT GAY!!!" Abi giggled to herself. Luke, Skip and James all came running towards us. "Damn Jai, who knew you had it in ya to get such an attractive girl" Skip said.

(Abi's Pov)

The response to the rest of the guys finding out me and Jai were dating was hilarious. I honestly didn't think they cared that much. Jai was fistbumping the rest of the guys and they all looked generally happy for him, except Luke. Something was definately up with him.

(Luke's pov)

I should be happy for Jai I know, he's my brother and all and I should be happy for Abi too, but something is stopping me. I think I may have a small crush on Abi, I don't talk to her as much as Jai does but something about her is different. As I sat there watching her talk with the rest of the guys and cuddle with Jai I couldn't help but feel extremely jealous. It seems like this would be the perfect time to say I was going to bed. "Hey guys i'm going to bed I feel like shit tonight alright?" "Night Luke" Abi said looking cute as always. I put on a small smile and walked up the stairs. I have to find a way to stop liking Abi I don't want to fuck up hers and Jai's relationship.

(Abi's pov)

I couldn't help but notice something strange with Luke, he didn't seem like himself. Maybe he was sick? I would have to find out in the morning. During the long chat with the boys i got a text message from my mum.

mumxx: hi darling i hope you're having a great holiday in Australia! I hope the Brooks are treating you well, can't wait to see you home in 2 weeks! love you xxxx

2 weeks? 2 weeks is all I had left. How would mine and Jai's relationship work when I go back to England? thinking about this was starting to make me feel really down. The boys didn't even know I was leaving in 2 weeks. I couldn't tell them yet though, things were just starting to get really amazing.

James and Skip left to go home and Beau headed up to go to bed. The only ones left up were me and Jai. "You ok babe? You're looking kind of distant" Jai asked me with a look of concern on his face. I couldn't tell him yet that I was leaving in two weeks, it might mess up out relationship, i'll just wait a few days. "Yeah Jai i'm fine everythings perfect" I said giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek. "Alright babe well I'm tired I think I'm going to bed" Jai said while standing up. "Wait" I said grabbing his arm. "Please can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" I asked him. "Anything for you gorgeous" He said smiling. "I'll set up your bed for you" "Thankyou" I said smiling at him. I stood up and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put my pj's on.

After I was done getting ready for bed I walked over to the pullout bed where Jai was sitting playing with his phone. I decided I was going to scare him since he wasn't paying attention, so I crept around the side of the couch and jumped up "BOO!" I yelled. Jai jumped about 5 feet in the air, holy crap who knew he was such a scaredy cat. I burst out into a fit of laughter. "That's it you're gonna get it!" he said lifting me onto the bed and tickling me. "Jai, please stop" I said inbetween my uncontrollable laughter. After what felt like hours Jai finally stop tickling me. "5:42am" Jai said. "Wow." I laughed. "Well I guess we should be getting to bed right?" Jai said while moving a strand of hair out of my face and staring into my eyes. "you're so beautiful" he whispered. "I love you Jai" I said to him. "I love you too Abi" Jai said kissing my forehead lightly. "I never want to let you go." And with that Jai and I fell asleep in eachothers arms.


"WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!" my eyes fluttered open and there was Beau standing over us yelling. "ugh go away" I said whiling lifting my arm to hit him. "Not until you two lovebirds get out of bed, it's already noon" Beau said while still standing over us. "ugh fine, i'll wake Jai. I can't believe he's still asleep over your yelling I said. "Yeah he's a heavy sleeper, and don't wake him I will." Beau said while running in the kitchen. I wonder what he was up to?

After a few minutes Beau finally returned with what looked to be a giant bucket filled with icewater. "are you sure that's a good idea?" I whispered to him. "trust me, he'll be up in a second" Beau replied with an evil grin on his face. "Jai's gonna be so pissed" I said to Beau. He just shrugged me off and proceeded to dump the bucket of water on Jai. "wait video tape it" Beau said to me. "Ugh fine" I replied while getting out my iphone. Within seconds Jai was drenched with ice cold water. I couldn't help but giggle, it was quite funny but then again I felt mean for laughing at my boyfriend getting soaked by his brother. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jai yelled. "BEAU YOU ASSHOLE" "Haha holy shit Jai you'rs soaked this is classic!" Beau said. "Abs did you get that on video?!" I nodded at him feeling guilty. "Abi you were a part of this?" he said looking kind of angry. "Yeahhh, im sorry" I said putting on the most inocent face I could. "Its alright I forgive you babe" he said winking at me. "But not you Beau, fuck you" he said glaring at Beau. Beau walked into the kitchen still laughing. "hey Abi come closer" Jai said to me. "alright" I said giving in. I crept closer to Jai and he jumped at me giving me a giant hug which got me soaking wet "Ahhh Jai you're getting me all wet get off of me!!" I said laughing. "Nah babe you helped do this to me so this is what you get!" he said while still gripping me in a giant bear hug. After gripping me in a giant soaking wet hug Jai finally let go. "Alright well i'm going to take a shower beautiful" Jai said kissing my cheek and walking upstairs. I nodded and sat on the non soaking wet side of the bed and turned on the tv. I wasn't really paying attention to the program that was on, all I could think about was that I only had 13 more days left in Australia...what was I going to do?



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