Where everything begins.

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YAY here's the next chapter! :) Honestly this was my favorite one to write haha so I hope you like it and PLEASE comment/vote!!! I haven't gotten any yet :( and it would really mean alot to know if people like my story or not!!! Thanks! xxx


(Abi's pov)

It was the day of mine and Jai's date, I was extremely nervous, I don't really know why it's just Jai it's not like i'm going on a date with a guy I barely know.

I was still staying at the Brooks' house on their pullout couch and I would be until I leave to go back to England.

I quickly got up out of bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower I opened the door expecting not to see anyone in there but I did there was Luke standing there butt naked "HOLY SHIT ABI!" he yelled while quickly finding a towel and covering himself "Oh my gosh Luke i'm sooo sorry I said while covering my eyes and closing the bathroom door so I couldn't see Luke any more. Well that was awkward. "What happened?!" Jai said tiredly opening his bedroom door, he looked adorable. "Oh um, I walked in on Luke naked in the bathroom....." I said blushing. Jai started laughing, "wow Abi." he said. "Don't laugh at me" I said giving him a little shove. "It was embarassing." He chuckled to himself again. "Let me get dressed and then I'll make us some breakfast alright?" Jai said. I nodded back with a smile. After Jai closed his bedroom door the bathroom door opened and Luke stepped out. "Uh Luke i'm sorry for walking in on you, next time I'll be sure to knock" I said to him. He stared at me and then smiled "Don't worry about it Abs it was just an accident, besides you probably liked what you saw" Luke said winking at me. "You sick perv" I said while shoving him. I then walked downstairs waiting for Jai to make breakfast.

A few seconds later Jai came down the stairs looking extremely attractive as usual. "So what do you want for breakfast bacon, eggs, pancakes?" he asked me. "Ummm, bacon and eggs sound good" I said to him reinsuringly.

Jai walked into the kitchen to start making the breakfast and I followed him and just sat at the kitchen table. "Jai?" I asked him as he was cracking the eggs. "Yeah?" he replied still concentrating on cracking the eggs. "I was just wondering, what are we doing for our date tonight?" I said while fiddling with the table cloth. "It's a suprise babe" He said winking at me. I just rolled my eyes. Ugh I hate suprises. "Hey lovebirds!" Beau and Luke said while running in the kitchen and sitting at the table with me. "Hi guys" I said while sticking my tongue out at them. I loved that here I was basically treated as family. "What's cookin?" Beau asked. "Bacon and eggs dumbfuck" Jai replied.

Breakfast was ready and we all started digging in, I only had a small amount of bacon because Luke ate it all. "Ugh Luke you're such a fatty you at all the bacon!!" I said putting on a fake sad face. "Aw sorry Abi want some more?" He said back, while shoving a piece in his mouth. I nodded in repy. "Ok well here you go" He said opening his mouth, taking out the chewed piece and putting it on my plate. "Ew ew ew, Lukeeeee!" I screamed. Jai, Beau and Luke all started laughing hysterically and I just sat there pouting. "Here babe, have a piece of mine" Jai said between laughs. He put a nice looking piece of bacon on my plate. "Aw thank you Jai" I said and then kissed his cheek. I noticed him blushing which made me smile.

(Fast forward to a few minutes before Jai and Abi's date :p Abi's pov still)

Gina, said I could use her room to get ready for mine and Jai's date. It was really sweet how she wanted us to get together. I decided on wearing a cute teal colored dress with some nude heels (this is the dress > http://media3.onsugar.com/files/2012/06/24/3/192/1922261/1e9e09f72a1df1e4_SGomez61312.xxxlarge_1.jpg )

I curled my medium length brown hair and applied a small amount of eyeliner and mascara and some nude lipgloss. I looked in the mirror and was happy with my appearance. I was nervous, but also really excited for this date with Jai, maybe something would finally happen between us. I grabbed my clutch bag and headed down stairs "Shit Abi you look hot!" Beau said to me, I could tell he was checking me out. I giggled "Thank you Beau" "Damn Abi why does Jai get to have you?" Luke also said getting up and looking at me. I blushed. I honestly didn't feel like I was that beautiful but I guess these boys thought I was. I sat and chatted to Luke and Beau for a few minutes waiting for Jai, then it was finally time for our date. "Ready to go Abi?" Jai asked. He looked absolutely amazing. He was wearing simple dark jeans a nice shirt and of course his signature beanie. I nodded and he grabbed my hand. "Don't stay out to late kids!" Beau yelled to us. We both laughed and walked out the Beau's car, he said we could borrow it for the night. Jai opened the doory for me like a true gentleman and I got in. We ended up in the middle of Melbourne at a cute little italian restaraunt when we got seated I couldn't help but smile. "Wow Jai this is amazing" I said. "Anything for you Abi" He said winking at me. We ate and talked for hours. Finally after we were done with dinner Jai took me to the park to go stargazing, he even brought a blanket so we could lay on the grass together. "Jai this has been the best night of my life" I said turning on my side and looking into his eyes. "Mine too Abi" he said smiling and staring back at me. "Abi can I ask you something?" Jai said. "Sure anything." I replied curiously. "Will you...be my girlfriend?" he asked me while staring deeply in my eyes. "I'd love to, more than anything" I replied with the biggest smile. We both sat up and stared into eachothers eyes, our lips started moving closer together and for the first time me and Jai kissed. It was magical. I leaned my head on his shoulder and I swear out of the corner of my eye I saw a shooting star. I didn't wish for anything though because at this moment my life was perfect, I had an amazing boyfriend, I was in one of the most beautiful places in the world, I had great friends, there was nothing more I could ask for.


& THERE IT IS. haha please I beg (i dont really want to beg) but PLEASE comment and vote :D GRACIAS! i'll update again soon xxxx

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