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The Kidnapping Part 2

~Time Skip~

Pidge's POV

Lance has been in his room for weeks. Hunk has been making him small meals and placing them outside his door, Allura and Coran have been searching non stop for Keith, only eating and sleeping when they need to, and I haven't been getting good sleep at all. I've also been tracking down Keith and been busy hacking security cameras in each Galra Ship. All of us have tried to get Lance to come out, telling him it's not healthy for him to stay in there but he refuses every time, responding with a groan.

None of us has gotten good sleep. We could already tell Lance hasn't gotten any either because he is mostly non stop crying. I remember how it used to be nightmares about earth and his parents, hoping they would be alive, crying about how he might never see his family again, but now it's about Keith and the fact that he is pregnant too. No one knows that either, but Lance knows I'll tell them soon.

Sitting in my room, all I could hear is Lance cry. It breaks my heart to see him that way. I finally decided I've had enough and I shut my laptop harshly, not caring if I broke it or not. I got up from my bed and I walked out of my room and to Lance and Keith's room, which is next door. I stood right in front of the door and pounded on it. "Open up, Lance!" I heard a groan but then the unthinkable. The door opened and I got pulled in. There was plates of food everywhere and most were untouched. I turned around and there was Lance, weak, crying, and super skinny.

"Oh my god Lance. Why-" he held up his hand when he turned to face me. "His pain... I-I can feel it. His tears and every scream, they become mine." He slid down the door before he continued. "Something is happening to him but I don't know what. Everything he feels, I feel but only here..." he pointed to his own bonding mark he made that day with Keith. It was optional to Alphas, but Lance had Keith do it.

"I sometimes hear him scream in my sleep, I hear him cry for help, he is losing his own battle and I don't even know whats going on... Pidge, is there a way where you can find him?"

There was silence for a bit while I was thinking. Lance was breaking and falling apart. Whatever Keith was going through, Lance felt the same pain and was screaming in his dreams. Lance stopped eating because of Keith's suffering. I miss Keith as much as Lance does, and it's time to find him in secret.

I sighed as I looked him straight in the eyes. "I do, but this will take a while."

Keith's POV

Kuron just left the room but I don't know when he is coming back. I'm scared, I truly am. He wants me to give in and forget but I refuse, resulting in rape. I can't keep doing this. My baby will die and I can't have that. I've lost track of time. It feels like I've been here for months but how could I tell? They say it's only been 3 months and yet, my stomach is kinda large for 3 months of being pregnant, I should know. My dark past still haunts me to this day.

One of the Druids came in and I started to freak out. "S-Stay away f-from me!" I grabbed something sharp, cutting my hand a little bit but I didn't mind to much. He held out his hand and zapped me with magic and I collapsed to the floor. I was crying and I couldn't move, paralyzed and scared, not knowing what he was going to do to me. The Druid came closer and picked me up and walked out of the room and into the hall way. I needed to move or do something but I couldn't, not with the state I was in right now.

Children. Must protect children. My omega senses were screaming at me the same words but... were there children on this ship? No that isn't possible, they would never hurt children. Kin were very valuable to the Galra because of how rare they were. The Galra, due to quintessence, live for a very long time so there was no need to mate. Because of this, Omegas in the Galra still had a shortened lifespan and therefore almost all went extinct.

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