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Keiths POV

Great. Just great. I ran out of my suppressants and I just hit my pre-heat and I thought today was going to be a good day. It also didn't help that we were in space and the only way to get suppressants, as far as I know of, was from earth. I didn't want to move from my bed, but I knew I had to get up and be prepared. As I slowly got out of bed and got ready for the day, I had the urge to nest like I usually do on every heat.

When I walked out the door and walked down the hallway, I wanted to gather belongings from my teammates so I headed to Lance's room first. I knocked three times before I walked in and boy I was glad he wasn't here. I made my trip fast because I knew Lance would be back soon because usually stays in his room to play video games which is annoying even if our rooms aren't even close to each other.

I walked over to his bed and grabbed his blanket, knowing Pidge would cover for me and give him a new one if he ever freaked out that he 'Lost it'. Hey! He smells nice, don't judge me.

I then walked to the wall and grabbed his signature green jacket. I held it to my face and took in his Alpha scent. Lance's scent had always calmed me, even if we never got along. The smell of water from an ocean with a hint of salt to make the scent scream Alpha made myself attracted to Lance more. I knew he was an Alpha, him and Shiro were the only one's on board but only Shiro knew about me being an Omega, well Pidge too.

Yes. I knew I was a weak, worthless, useless omega, that can't do anything but act as an Alphas slut and slam piece. I am one of those fucking Omegas that is forced to obey their Alpha and do whatever the Alpha tells them too, even if it means-

I shook my head to get the thought out of my head that memory lays deep within me and it was the memory of my first heat. I wasn't marked, luckily, but I was almost taken advantage of if Shiro wasn't there to save me. After that day, I became stronger if that ever happened again and it didn't. My boyfriend back then was protecting me from the Alpha's.

I walked to Pidge's room next, knocking twice before I entered. Pidge was transgender— Male to Female—even before she presented as a beta. Her name was Kyle before she changed it to Katie when she was thirteen, but the name Pidge has been with her since she was two. She was like a younger sister to me, the one I never had.

We were really close, so close I am also the only one to call her whatever I wanted, even by her real name. "Hey Katie. I hit my pre-heat. I need to borrow some things and you need to replace Lance's blanket for this week." She looked up from her computer, halting her fingers from the keyboard and nodded. "Alright. You can explore my room and take what you want. I have an extra blanket under my bed to give to Lance. When you start your heat, want me to guard your room?"

My eyes widened and I shook my head. "No. It will give it away. Besides, my heat might last longer than a week because I haven't had one since I was fifteen. I'll feel bad if you sat outside of my room on the cold floor. I'll be lucky if it did last a week though." I looked around her room and grabbed her favorite light green sweater and a hoodie.

I turned around and held it out, asking for her permission. She gladly nods and gets up, closing her laptop. "Well, I'm going to grab you food to last this week. I'll restock your food if it lasts longer." I was so happy to have someone like her. I hugged her and ran to my room, getting ready to build my nest. "Thanks Pidge!!"

I walked to my bed and started building my nest, making sure to leave Lance's jacket out for a reason. Once I finished, I heard a knock at the door and they sounded small. Because of this, I knew it was Pidge. "Come in!" She opened the door and placed a box full of the week long supply of food right next to the bed.

"There ya go emo twig. Ill check on you before you go to bed tomorrow. Enjoy your heat." I rolled my eyes playfully as she left. She was always coming up with nicknames for me, and emo twig was a new one but I'm not even that skinny.

I finally got settled, feeling proud of myself of the nest I made. I walked out happily and headed to the kitchen to grab something to eat before my heat. Usually the paladins don't go to the kitchen unless its eating hours so I took this time to eat lunch. It was very important to be alone right now because being in my pre-heat meant my overly sweet scent would call and Alpha near me and the last thing I wanted was either Lance or Shiro to start losing their shit.

I grabbed a plate of food goo and leaned on the counter as I fastly started eating so I can head back to my room and after about 5 minutes, I finished my food and I placed it in the sink to start washing it. I hummed a tune, not hearing the door to the kitchen open and I never heard someone walked in, until I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and pull me closer to the body behind me. I froze as I was to scared to see who it was. Then their face came into my scent gland and I panicked.

I started moving as I pushed them off, using my protective instincts as I pulled out my luxite blade and pointed at them. I took one good look at them and I panicked, slowly lowering the knife. Oh no. I just threatened an Alpha and usually it wasn't good. But since that Alpha was Shiro, I'm sure he would understand.


"S-Shiro I'm-" He yanked the blade out of my hands and pinned me to a wall, my eyes widening. I can smell his scent and it was overwhelming. He went into a rut because of my pre-heat. Shit. I had to call for another Alpha and get Pidge to take me to my room.

He had already pinned my hands to the wall and I was struggling. I decided to finally call out, trying to get someone's attention. "Lance! Pidge! He-" Shiro had covered my mouth as he grew closer to me, growling. Whimpering, my Omega submitted quickly and I knew this would happen, but why Shiro? Did he just so happen to be near the kitchen.

He grew near my scent gland and I went against my instincts, moving around to throw him off. There was no way in hell I was getting forcefully marked, and if I did, it would be months until I could ask someone to replace it.

I started kicking around trying to get him off me. He was my brother and I didn't think of him like that, I never will. After a while, I soon gave up. I was tired and I wanted to lay in my nest and not be bothered again, just wanting to be alone right now.

As soon as he was about to mark me, I heard a growl and he was yanked off me. I felt small hands drag me away, who I assumed was Pidge, and drag me out the door. I looked behind me to see two Alphas attacking each other, growling and yelling, and one of them had the eyes of crimson. They eyes of a feral Alpha. "Don't touch him EVER AGAIN!" I was surprised because I never thought that one day he would actually say something like that, or even care to protect me like that. That person was Lance McClain
Word Count: 1405
Original Publish Date:9-10-18
Republish Date: 4-2-19

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