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Keith's POV

I had to ask him the hardest question of my life. Well not the hardest but when I ask him to mark me, that will be hard. But when your... boyfriend... can read your mind, that's bad. Knowing Lance, he would probably reject the idea. I still can't believe he even said yes. I'm actually not that good in relationships, and I'm only saying that because I've never been in one. He is my first boyfriend, my first relationship, and my first kiss. It still amazes me how he has liked me all this time. I thought he was straight (due to the fact he kept flirting with girls).

"Keith? What about your heat? Wait. Are you saying that..." he trailed off and I panicked. I didn't want this now, or I did just scared right now. "I-I mean we can talk about that part later," I blushed from embarrassment. "But I was actually going to ask if you could maybe... stay with me during my heats? I trust you and I know you wouldn't do anything unless we talk beforehand because knowing me, I won't think straight." I shrugged and he smirked. "But you aren't straight." I shot him a glare but I actually tried to hold back a laugh. "But seriously, yeah I would love to stay with you during your heats. When is your next one? I lost the days." He replied. I smiled. "One month and 7 days."

He nodded and gave me another kiss on the cheek. "I love you. I promise I won't do anything bad during that time unless we talk beforehand. If I notice that I'm going into a rut, I'll run out and grab Pidge and she will take care of you." I nodded and I planted a quick kiss to his lips. "I'm hungry. Can we go see what's for lunch?" He laughed and nodded. "Ok Kitty. Let's go." I groaned and took a deep sigh. "Okay." It's going to take a bit to get used to my new nickname.

Lance's POV

We walked down the hallway holding hands and making sure no one was around. When we got to the kitchen, I let go because I picked up a faint scent. "Hunks in there." He nodded as we walked in. I picked up an amazing smell and my eyes widened. "Hunk, what is that amazing smell?!" He looked up and smiled at me. "Hey guys! I'm just making space sandwich's for everyone. I had Coran examine the ingredients to make sure they are safe for us to eat. I tried some myself and it's super good! Here you guys can have some." I grabbed one and I took a bite and it was the most amazing thing ever. Well to be honest, anything that Hunk cooked was amazing. Him and his family are known for their amazing cooking. You would be lucky enough to go over there and try it!

I nodded to Keith to tell him to try some and he sighed. He picked up a sandwich and took a bite out of it and he hummed in approval. "I have to say, this is really good!" Hunk smiled. "Glad you guys like it! Go tell the others lunch is ready!" We both nodded, walking out of the kitchen and finishing our sandwiches. We headed to the green lion hanger first because we know Pidge would take forever to get down there. We heard a couple of footsteps behind us so we stopped. We turned around to find nothing and we shrugged at each other but my Alpha instincts told me something was wrong. I wanted to ignore them but they were warning me. I wrapped and arm around Keith's waist and pulled him closer in a protective manner. He took notice and accepted it. His scent remained the same and I'm glad for him only being an inch shorter. We kept walking as I buried my nose in his scent glad to take it in so I can remain calm. He was tense at first but he calmed down and wrapped his arm around me.

When I finally got calm, I placed a kiss to the side of his head and stood up straight. We got to the green lion hanger and our closeness disappeared. I could of sworn I heard him whine but I can't tell. We walked in and noticed Pidge on her computer, like always. "Hey Pidge, lunch is ready and it's sandwich's today." Keith told her. I heard her groan. "Give me five minutes guys!" We nodded and turned around to laugh quietly. Every time she says "Five minutes" she means, "Give me at least thirty minutes and I'll be down after." Once we left and the door closed, we both laughed and I have to say, hearing Keith laugh made my heart flutter. I felt a pulse. My head throbbed and I thought it was a headache. I haven't felt like this before and I was so confused. I realized what was going on. I fought it back as my laugh stopped. Then it went black.

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