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The Kidnapping-Part 1


I got control of Shiro, finally and now, Keith is right where I need him to be. In my arms, knocked out. It was a struggle but I did it. I could smell Lance on him... I can change that soon. All I need is to alter his memories and he would want the mark changed. Unwanted. Then he could be mine.

Lance's POV

Something was off. The feeling of it was noticeable to me. Then, I felt a sharp pain within me. My heart started to race and my mind went into Alpha mode. Something was really wrong. Keith was in trouble. Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have left him alone! This isn't ok! I darted from my spot and down the halls. His scent grew a little stronger but it was weak. He was sleeping. He is in trouble. My mate is in trouble. I ran down the halls until I saw a figure walking away with a person draped on their shoulders. I looked closer and my eyes widened. The soft mullet hair and the similar scent hit me. "Hey! Who are you?! Why do you have my Omega?! Put him down!" I got closer when the figure stopped. He turned around and his yellow eyes were horrifying. The figure looked so similar. "Shiro-"

"Heh. Shiro isn't here anymore. In fact, he wasn't here to begin with. My name is Kuron, part of the Galra force and... Keith's future husband and father to his kid. Our kid. I'll destroy your child that is currently growing and gaining more life every day, and replace it with my seed and have him develop my kid instead. He will submit to me, even if he is claimed. He won't have you around and controlling him will be a piece of cake. Now, Lance Serrano McClain, I'll be on my way."

I stood there before I ran after him. There was no way in hell I'd let him take Keith. I called out to Hunk, Allura, and Pidge. There was no way I could do this alone. Kuron seemed a lot stronger then all of us. I heard more foot steps and next thing you knew, Pidge, Hunk, and Allura were there. We all carry our bayards in hand at all times and Allura carries a staff. Kuron placed Keith down and against the wall before he charged at us. Pidge formed her bayard and so did Hunk. Mine, however, didn't form into my long ranged gun. "Guys! My bayard isn't working! Someone back me up!" "You got it, Lance! Don't take to long!" Pidge responded as I stepped aside. The blue bayard wasn't responding to me. I called out to my lion but it never responded either. What the hell?! Blue better not be messing with me right now!

Then I heard a voice. A different voice. It wasn't Blue, no. And the way Keith has been talking about Red's voice didn't seem to fit with the one that was talking in my head. I had rarely heard the Red Lion talk so I never could remember what they sounded like. No paladin of Blue. No Paladin of Red... Come to me.... Take the Black Bayard and fight... Get him back.

Keith's POV

I was falling as I heard the calls from my friends. The helpless screams and calls for help. They asked for Lance over and over... Lance... Maybe he left cause he saw how weak I was. He might have rethought his future. No. He wouldn't think that. Lance promised he wouldn't leave me. He promised to keep me safe, even if he got killed doing so. But what if he can't save me... what if it's to late? Lance... I saw so much in him. When Shiro left, I was forced to pilot the Black Lion and Lance instantly accepted me. He cheered me up when I was down. I talked to Red and I had her take Lance in as my right hand man. She had also saw so much in him. Once Shiro came back, we were able to go back to our Lions, for the Blue Lion no longer accepted Allura.

Now... I was reaching out to Black for a final request. Giving up, hopeless, coward... "Black. Lance is a fighter, a rightful leader. He is patient and has amazing plans. I want him to follow in My footsteps, which I followed Shiro's, in which he followed the young Zarkons. Guide Lance. Have him become who he was meant to be." I had only heard a purr in my mind. Acceptance. I love you Lance...

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