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Hermione walking with Ginny whose hand on Blaise shoulder, and they go to Hogsmeade.
"Are you sure that Ron and Harry won't be mad of me being close to him?" Ginny asked nervously.

"They have to figure out he have change, come on, be positive!" Hermione smiled.

They entered the Hog's Head and see that Harry and Ron was already there.

"Why are you here Zabini?" Ron snapped. He looked at his sister whose leg is injured and yelled, "How dare you hurt her!"

"Ron and Ginny, calm down." Harry said, helped Ginny seat, and he ask Blaise to go out because it's a private talk.
Blaise frowned but nodded.

"Alright..We wanted to tell you something." Ron said.
"And what is it?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.
"I'll talk with Ginny, you two chat together." Harry signed.

"Ron tell me what happened?" Hermione asked.
"Well I met someone in the training and I-"
"SO YOU COME HERE JUST TO BREAK UP WITH ME?" Hermione said angrily.
"I'm sorry 'Mione but you're boring and always read and read. Rosalie is much better!"

"Oh so her name is Rosalie? And if I don't help you guys, you and Harry would have die already!"

Ron ignored her and continued,
"We'll break up from now Granger. It's the end of our relationship."

"You..." Hermione full of tears and run away.
She sit down on the snow and crying. Suddenly, the door open again.

"I hate you Harry Potter!"
"Ginny please! I just want the best for you!"
"Do you? You think that break up with me is the best choice? Let me tell you, that's the worst choice ever!" Ginny yelled.

Ginny try to run but her leg hurts, and she drop on the snow. Harry walk to her, and Blaise run towards him.
"Stop pushing her!" And he turned around, help Ginny stand up.

"You bastard!" Ginny shouted. Hermione comfort her to calm down and they come back to Hogwarts.

"I'm sorry Gin..." Harry muttered. "There's no different if I'm so busy on working and skipped spending time with you."

"Let's go Harry." Ron said.


"Ginny are you okay?" Blaise worried.
"I'm fine. And stop calling me Ginny! Why not names?" Ginny snapped.

Blaise gasped.
She must be very exhausted and hurt right now.
"I'm sorry." Blaise decided to leave her alone until she calm down.

Hermione sit next to her. There was a silence pass by and Ginny said, "I don't know. I'm so confused right now."

"Gin you're strong and you'll always be able to find the right choice." Hermione comforted.
"That's sounds like you." Ginny laughed slightly.

Hermione nodded,
"Do you like Blaise Zabini?"
Ginny looked at her friend,
"I'm not sure. I still love Hary though." Ginny finally replied.
"And he love you too." Hermione responded.

"Yeah, he's just being a coward. But Harry was very busy and he can't spending time with me. Deep down, I know that I still love him, but I just can't forgive him." Ginny signed.

Blaise come out of his room and join the girls. "Ginny are you alright?"
Ginny stared at him, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Blaise smirked.
Ginny smile and shooked her head,
"Sorry that I snapped you. I'm just so angry of what had happen before."
"No problem!" Blaise said. He waved good night to the girls.

"Good night Gin"
"Night 'Mione."


Early in the morning, they have Divination with Ms.Trelawney. Ginny try to convince her friend to learn but fails. Hermione always hate the prediction learnings. Luckily, Ginny have this class with the Hufflepuff.

Ms, Trelawney talk alot about the 'prophecy quotes'.
"Prophecy quotes mean the quote that you get from the crystal ball will tell you your destiny."

Ginny stare at her crystal ball and thinking. A long quote appear.

Stars can't shine without darkness
You can't live without air
You are born to be with someone
Someone who shine for you while you're lost in the dark

Ms.Trelawney explain to Ginny,
"You are fates to be with a person that loves you deep down.
That person will help you and can die for you."

Ginny nodded, and she start guessing who could that be. She know that Harry and Blaise love her, but die for her?
I don't deserves so much love.

"Maybe someone I will find out in the future." Ginny muttered.
Ms.Trelawney heard it and shooked her head,
"Girl, you are fate with him. And you know him."

Ginny signed, "Whatever. Now I understand why Hermione hates Divination."

"Hey Gin what's up?" Hermione asked.
Ginny told her what she have been through Divination. Hermione frowned,
"Can't believe that women. Alot of people out there might love you, and how could it possible if you're fate with that guy?"

Ginny nodded. She walk out and grab some food.
"You're heal?" Hermione suprised.
"Yeah! Madam Promfey cannot believe that the injury took so long to heal." Ginny smiled.

Draco walk pass and he said,
"Where is Potter and Weaselett?"
"No idea. I bet they come back with their training already." Hermione guessed.
"I wish so." Ginny frowned.

The night come quickly, and Blaise ask Hermione and Ginny to play a game. Draco have been missing everynight.
"What game are we playing?" Ginny asked excitedly.
"Would you rather." Blaise responded.

"Why not Truth or Dare?" Ginny wondered.
"I can't know if you're telling the truth or not. And I'm too lazy to do some dare." Blaise replied.
"Alright let's play!"

They go in a pattern, Hermione first, Ginny second and Blaise last.

"Would you rather...Read book in your whole life or Marry someone you hate for your whole life?"
"Read." Ginny and Blaise both said.

"Would you rather...die for your friends or crush?"
"Friend." Hermione replied.
"Crush." Blaise said.
"We all know you have a crush on Ginny, Blaise." Hermione pointed out.
Ginny blushed and Blaise words remind her of Ms.Trelawney sentence.
That person will help you and can die for you.

"Ugh forget it!" Ginny remind herself.
"My turn!" Blaise cheered.

"Would you rather-" Blaise paused.
Draco enter the dorm and yelled,
"Come on it's late! Sorry if I interrupt you but Weasley have to rest!"
"Well see you later girls. We will continue the game tomorrow!" Blaise waved.

"Okay..Bye." Ginny said and sleep on her bed.


"Don't! Please don't! Ouch!" Ginny shouted and wake up immediately.
"Ginny what's wrong?" Blaise ran to her room.
"Are you okay?" Hermione worried.

"The...the nightmare!" Ginny cried.

Guys thank you for voting! As the promised I upload it today!

I might not update it tomorrow because I will be traveling and might be too busy!
But it will be up as soon as possible!

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