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Blaise was sitting on a chair by Ginny's bed, and he's hopeless. He was worrying about her than his own tiredness.
"Please wake up soon Ginny." He wished.

He take a look at Ginny face; and the scratches were still there. He hoped that it won't become scars.
"But it matched you." Blaise smiled.

He wait and wait 'til the morning. He have to go back to his dorm
(include Hermione, Draco, him and Ginny. *Sorry I forgot this detail.) or Ms.McGonagall will give him detentions. He wouldn't mind that, but he wanted to see be here when Ginny wake up.

The Hospital Wing door open slightly, and Blaise turned back.
"Should you be in your dorm now Mr.Zabini?" Ms.McGonagall raised an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry...I just.." Blaise paused.

Ginny coughed, and she open her eyes. Madam Promfey bring potions for her while she ask,
"Why am I here? And my leg hurts...Blaise?"
Blaise waved his hand to her and smiled.

"Your leg get damaged by the table drop on top, and there are some scartches on your face too." Madam Promfey frowned.

Ginny tried to get up, but it's useless. Her leg have no feeling at all, and she's exhausted.
Did I just said Zabini first name?

"Mr.Zabini, you can go now and Ms.Weasley will have some rest." Ms.McGonagall said.

"Alright...see you later Red." He smiled weakly.
"You too Zabini." She responded.

Ginny looked around, thinking. She haven't recieve any of Harry's letter though. He must been very busy and Ron too. Hermione have really hard time to pass and she wonder where is her friend.
Maybe learning.

"Ginny?" Hermione whispered.
"Mione! You're here?"
So I was just dreaming.

"Did Zabini visit you?" Hermione asked.
"I think he did. Is this real? The pain and..."
"It is Gin. And you're healing." Hermione nodded.
"I have some lessons now, and I bring some food for you too. Madam Promfey needed someone to took care of you."

"So it's you, right?" Ginny asked.
"Well I can't, I'm the Head Girl with alot of things to do and Ms.McGonagall give me no time." Hermione shooked her head.

"Geez..So who will be...taking care of me?" Ginny frowned.
"Please don't hex me Gin,it's Blaise Zabini."

Ginny immediately stood up, and said angrily, "Why him 'Mione?"

"One. It's because he care of you. and him will be the prefects who guard at the same time." Hermione explained.

Ginny signed, "Fine, I will try not to hex him."
The girls laugh slightly and Madam Promfey come, give Ginny the Sleeping Draughts.

A few days later, the scratches on Ginny face heal, and Blaise help her to walk. She have to put her hand on his shoulder and step slowly. Alot of students stare at them while going for breakfast.

Hermione help Blaise take Ginny to her seat and he come back to his own sit and chat with Draco.
"What do you feel? Having a fun time with Weasley?"

"No I'm worried for her. She's really weaked." Blaise raised his eyebrow.
Draco nodded, believed Blaise words.

"How are you feeling Gin?" Hermione asked worriedly.
"Tired." She replied, "Did you recieve any letters from Ron?"

Hermione shooked her head, "He must have a hard time though."
"I think Harry is busy too. I just missed spending time with them." The girls signed.

A letter drop on Ginny table, and she open it.
Do you want to go to Hogsmeade today afternoon with me?
Well, wish you can,

Ginny blushed and quickly stared at Blaise, nodded. He grinned as Ginny face turn red.
"Gin?" Hermione looked at her friend. She stare at her direction and saw Blaise grinning. Hermione shooked her head and continue reading.

"Silence!" Ms.McGonagall shouted.
"The Head Girl and Head Boy will be saying the prefects name, keep your full attention!"

"Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini and-"

The Great Hall door is open and here comes Harry Potter the boy who lived, and Ronald Weasley.
"Mr.Potter and Mr.Weasley please be quite!"

Everyone gasped and there are whispered through the crowds. Hermione and Ginny smiled weakly, and Ginny look at Blaise. She can see his face went pale and his eyebrow raised.

"Ginny!" Harry said, hugging her.
"Hi 'Mione." Ron waved.
"You leave me without writing for me, and just say HI?" Hermione yelled.
"Geez quite we'll talk later." Ron shooked his head.
"I guess, in the Hog's Head." Harry nodded.
"You go too Harry?" Ginny frowned.

Ron and Harry sit down by them, and they keep signing about the Auror job. The girls look at each other, winking.

"He's just so mean!" Hermione complained when they're back to their dorm.
"I know, and they just keep talking about their job!" Ginny said angrily.

"Gin, what about Zabini?" Hermione asked.
"I...he's nicer." Ginny paused.

Blaise entered the dorm and he sit on his bed, thinking. Ginny come to his room and sit down with him.
"Blaise? Are you okay?"
Blaise looked at her in the eyes.
She must been really hopeless.

"Did Potter treat you better?" He questioned.
"What do you mean better? And he treat me like a stress toy!" Ginny pissed.

"Woah there Ginny, stay calm!" Blaise suprised. "Sorry I didn't really want to metion about it."

Ginny nodded, and she place her head on Blaise shoulder.
"Are you tired?" Blaise smiled.
"I need a bit of rest..." Ginny closed her eyes, resting on Blaise.

Blaise slowly put Ginny on her own bed and kiss her slightly on the forehead.


"Ginny wake up!" Hermione yelled.
Ginny was sleeping and no sign of waking up.
"What's wron..Ginny!" Blaise shouted.
"I don't know..." Hermione cried.

Ginny shouted Blaise name and wake up immediately, looking at two her friends.
"What happened? And you mentioned my name too." Blaise asked.

"I got a nightmare. Is it even night time yet?" Ginny responded.
"We need to meet Ron and Harry now, let's go!" Hermione rushed.

Blaise walked out of the room and waved bye.
"He's jealous isn't he?" Ginny stared at the closed door.
"He already confess." Hermione nodded.
"Fine let's go to Hogsmeade."

Here it comes the next chapter!
Thank you so much for the voting salty_mermaid my lovely:)

The talk between the girls with Harry and Ron will be in the next chapter.

Plus the nightmare explantion/Ginny sudden headache will be mention in chapter.5

A sudden change/BlinnyWhere stories live. Discover now