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"Hectoir...Riddle?" Ron muttered.
"Do I have to repeat myself? I'm Hectoir Riddle." Hectoir said.
"No way! Voldemort can't have a child neither a wife!" Harry yelled.
"He do have me as his child, and his wife, my mom is Bellatrix Lestrange."

"No way!"
"Crucio! Crucio!" Hectoir laughed as he throw the spell at Ron and Harry.
"What do you want from us?" Harry muttered.

"Oh I almost forgot my propose here...I'm simply going to..kill you." Hectoir remembered.

"Let's kill the Boy who lived first..Avada Keda..." Hectoir paused.

"Stupefy." A guy appeared behind Hectoir.

Hectoir Riddle stun and drop on the floor.

"He will wake up soon, let's hurry!" Draco rushed as he untied all the strings.

Hermione hugged him and smiled, but Ron stare at them annoying,

"Draco Malfoy and you? Really Hermione Granger?"

Hermione tried to argued back but Harry stop her,


Hermione shooked her head and run away. From behind, she heard Ginny,

"Thank you for trying to help us today Harry. You are no more in a relationship with me but you will always be my besties. I still care about you after all." Ginny smiled.

Harry looked surprise at her and kiss her forehead,

"I miss you Ginny." He whispered.

"I miss you too Harry." Ginny whispered back.

At that time, they didn't know that there was a jealous guy watching the scene clearly behind them and tried not to expose his anger.


"Blaise what the hell is wrong with you?" Draco said angrily.

It's because Blaise keep muttering and stabbed the fork everywhere, and avoid Ginny since they come back. He didn't even say a word and then ignore her.

"NOTHING!" He replied as he walk back to his dorm and lock the door.

Ginny was watching, and tears came down on her cheeks. She couldn't believe he do such a thing like that. She was nearly die and he say...nothing...nothing to her. Ginny looked down at the table and cry. She thought he knows Harry is just her friend, and he knows they just break up last time. He's too greedy and selfish. Ginny can't believe she have feelings for him.

"Gin?" Hermione touched her friend.

Ginny cry slightly and sniffing,

"I don't know 'Mione. I don't love Harry anymore, and now the only thing I want to do is to avoid Blaise forever."

"Gin...I'm sorry I couldn't do anything for's all my fault." Hermione shooked her head.

" I a idiot?" Ginny asked.

"No you aren't. You are one of the bravest wizard with special talents. You are definitely not an idiot Gin." Hermione waked her friend up. "Stay strong! You deserve happiness after what you've been!"

"Thank you 'Mione..." Ginny stand up and walk slowly to her dorm. She enter the dorm in silence and sit on the couch, crying.

"Why do people treat me like this? Am I a rubbish, a waste, a..." Ginny cried but stop immediately.

She felt hands wrapping her around but she push him away. Ginny snap,
"You didn't come and save me! Where are you at that time?"

"I was right behind you. I tied Hectoir and send him to the Ministry." Blaise explained.
"You can't be that fast! Were you Apparate?" Ginny wondered.

"I can Apparate in Hogsmeade, and the Shrieking Shack was in..Hogsmeade." Blaise said.

"Oh...yeah I forgot. But why didn't you come out and save me?" Ginny frowned.

"As the plan, Draco will attack him and when everyone goes, I clean up the mess." Blaise shrugged.
"But you could have save me before that! Why don't you untie the string from behind so we can escape quickly?" Ginny asked.

"I...pause that and talk about you! You and Potter were snagging!" Blaise yelled.
"We wasn't snog! He just comforted me! And he's my best friend!" Ginny argued.
"He's no longer exists in your life Ginny! And..." Blaise argued back.

"Talking about you, you didn't pay me a visit when I was falling off my broom and stay in the Hospital Wing! That's all the reason I was getting kidnap!" Ginny snapped and run out angrily.

Blaise stand there frozen and realize what did he just done. He hurt Ginny. And she pointed out every fact and mistakes he make.

"I didn't have time. But it's not worth to argue that I didn't have time for her."
Blaise sit down, scratching his head and sign.


"Sorry for what happened before, but the Valentine day will still needed to end." Ms.McGonagall annouce, "Choose your mate and started to dance."

Ginny signed at her friend,
"I guess I would have to choose Blaise. Harry is here but if I make any move on him, Blaise gonna turn worse."
Hermione nodded,
"Are you guys argued again? Anyway I would choose Draco instead of that prat."

Ginny laughed slightly,
"You're right. I nearly forgot what Harry have done to me before when he comforted me. I shouldn't be too angry at Blaise though."

"You should apologize him." Hermione thought.
"Apologize? You mean by sorry him? I think it's too simple.." Ginny shooked her head.
"No no...You will do a favor for him. Just a simple one. Like hugging maybe?" Hermione offered.

"No...I hugged him many times and we do kissed too." Ginny said shyly.

"Kisses? You and him..kiss?" Hermione suprised.
"Don't think about that..kind of was just a forehead kiss." Ginny grinned.

"Alright, what do you want to do for him?" Hermione asked.
"I will think about it later, let's go and change. And erm..." Ginny mumbled.

"Let's go! And?" Hermione paused.

"Can you tell him I will be going with him?" Ginny asked.
" should be the one who tell him Gin." Hermione shooked her head.

"I'm just so afraid 'Mione. What if he refuse?" Ginny scared.

"Think positively please!" Hermione wished.


They bought dresses and come back. Ginny nodded her head to Hermione and she nodded back. "Good luck!" Hermione whispered.


"Blaise?" Ginny asked shyly.
Blaise raised an eyebrow and relax, listen to her,
"Yes Ginny?"
Ginnt went blush and quickly replied,
"Will you join me for the Valentine ball?"

Blaise smiled and nodded,
"Of course."

Next chapter update!
Sorry guys I have school stuff and I'm really busy right now.

Though I will try to update as soon as possible!

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