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"Who's your mate Blaise?" Draco smirked.
"Weasley." Blaise said smiling, but he hide it immediately.
Draco grinned, and said, "You do want to be with her, don't you?"

Blaise cursed himself because of the smile, and he try to recover it, "No I don't."
Draco smirked and turned away leaving a frowned Blaise behind.

Blaise soon follow Draco and sit down on the Slytherin table. Separated from the other houses. Blaise took some food and stared at Ginny for a while. Her eyes catch his. He nodded.

"What was that for?" Hermione asked.
"I don't know seriously." Ginny shooked her head.

"Hey Blaise." Draco whispered.
"Um yeah?" Blaise looked down at his food.
"Did you just stared at Weasel?"
"You did. Admit it."
Blaise went silence.
"I know you like her." Draco grinnned.
"Okay I do!" Blaise shouted impatiently.

The professors glared at him, and the students wondering what's happening.
"Uh...let's go." Zabini walked out with Malfoy.
When they're out, Blaise yelled and chase him, "I WILL KILL YOU DRACO MALFOY!"
"YOU CAN'T KILL ME ZABINI!" Draco ran away.

In the Great Hall, everyone laugh so hard, even the professors.
"What happened 'Mione?" Ginny confused. She has just left a moment ago.

"Okay, wait a bit." Hermione wiped her last tear of joy and replied. "So Zabini shouted 'Okay I do' as an answer to Malfoy question, which we can't hear, and then they chase each other outside the Great Hall." Hermione laughed again.

Ginny was laughing too, but she still wondering what question does Blaise answer to.
"I'm with Harry." She remind herself.

"Be quite!" Ms. McGonagall silent every body.
"This year Head Boy is...
Draco Malfoy!
And Head Girl is...
Hermione Granger!
I will give you two the list of prefects and read them out by tomorrow."

Students whispered and while, Ginny grinned, "Good luck 'Mione! I will hex him if you need to!"
Hermione smiled weakly, "Thanks Gin."

"Woah, Draco! Are you okay with Granger?"Blaise joked.
"No I'm fine. If she just don't hex me." Draco laughed.
Blaise raised an eyebrow, "Are you two make up?"
"We're...technically friends." Draco replied. "Come on we have Potions."

"Class, today we will learning about the Confess potion." Slughorn said. "Can anyone tell me what does a Confess potion do?"

Hermione hand was up on the air, so he called her.
"A Confess potion it's not making you telling the truth or your thought, but it's your feeling. There must be 2 people working together for the Confess potion be able to work, a partner will pour the potion into the other mouth and that person will tell their feeling about the pouring one."

"Fantastic! 15 points to Gryffindor!" Slughorn said, "I will call out names out and find your partner."

"Lavender Brown and Theodore Nott
Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson
Ginny Weasley and Blaise Zabini
(And more following names)"

"Be careful Gin." Hermione tapped her friend shoulder. "I will be okay."
"Thank you 'Mione."

She walked to Blaise seat and he smiled, "Let me take the ingredients, go and prepare the potion Red."

Ginny nodded, try to not think about her feeling, also not
blushing. He came back a few minutes later while Ginny was stirring the potion.
"Done?" He whispered in her ear.
Ginny was nearly shocked but calm herself, replied, "I think so."

"This couple has finish!" Mr.Slughorn announce.
It was Hermione and Pansy. They're working quite good actually.

Hermione pour the Confess potion into Pansy, and she say much rather calm, "I know I have been terrible to you in the past and I'm sorry. You are smart and kind, which impress me a bit. You are quite beautiful too. And I hope you can forgive me what I've done before and wished to be your friend."

Hermione shooked hand with Pansy, nodded, "Of course we will!"

Ginny worried that the potion was too strong and she cannot control it. "I will be fine." She muttered.
"Ready Red?" Blaise asked.
Ginny nodded, nervously.

"You two were making too much potions than required, so you all have to drink it." Slughorn frowned.

"You first." Ginny signed.
"No problem." He smirked.

Ginny pour the potions in and he said quickly, "Ginny when I first met you and realized something, you are really amazing wizard with alot of braveness and I can't say you're not pretty."

Ginny grew hot right now, and her face is even more red than her hair.
"Phew...stay calm."
Blaise pour the potions to her but she refused and accidentally push the potions over Blaise.

Blaise called for her but she have ran far away, then Slughorn raised his voice, explained,

"Based on the feeling they have, the speed and sound of their voice is different, usually small and fast if they have a secret feeling or flirting, and calm and normal voice are rather an apologise, positive and negative feelings."

Ginny come back in the class and talked to Hermione, "I'm sorry. So Pansy is really nice now, isn't she?"
"Yeah she is. And what makes you do that?"
"I...don't want him to know my feelings."
"So you do have feelings for him?"
"We'll talk later in the common room 'Mione." Ginny signed.

"Blaise..." Draco called.
"GO AWAY!" He yelled.
"Blaise it's okay. Just tell me is it matter to you!"
"I...just talk later. I'm not in a mood." Blaise shooked his head.

Hermione looked at her friend, who was really tired and exhausting,
"Take a little nap Gin, you will be recover soon."
"Mione..." Ginny whispered.

Ginny suddenly fall down on the floor, her head is protected by her arms, but Ginny cheeks get scratch by the table, and before Hermione could do anything, the table drop on top of Ginny leg.


Hermione bring Ginny to the Hospital Wing and told Madam Promfey what happened.

"Ginny!" Blaise ran from the door and rushed to Ginny bed, holding her hands, "Will she be okay?"

Madam Promfey frowned,
"Some potions will help her, and she might need alot of rest since her leg is damaged. No one should interrupt her now."

Hermione remembered about Harry, and Ginny was still in a relationship. And she looked back at Blaise.
But Blaise deserves her.

She smiled, wishing Ginny will wake up as soon as possible.

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