15. Because I Want To

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Sarah's POV.

What's he doing here?

I take few steps backward and hit one of the tables. I can't go anywhere else. I'm stuck as he comes towards me.

"Dane! W-What are you doing here?"

"Was passing by the area and heard someone say you and your mom are here. I was going to the Fray House but saw you go in here."

Although that's a valid explanation, I feel like he's lying.

"What did I say about coming after me?"

He smiles. For some reason that smile makes me uneasy, besides sending my already racing heart sprinting. He wouldn't dare do anything right? I mean, he already knows he can't.

"You asked me not to."

"Then why're you here?"

"Because I want to."

Are all Alphas this arrogant? "Leave, Dane."


I'm getting anxious. Why is he so stubborn?

He comes further near me and I panic.

"S-Stop Dane."

He continues to come closer to me. That's it, I'm not taking this anymore.

I begin to cast the spell as my eyes turn red.

His smile doesn't leave his face. He's still smiling and is still coming closer.

What? H-How? I'd already put the spell.

Once closer, he snakes his right arm around my waist and pushes his body over mine as I lean against the table for support.

How is he doing this?!

Before I could think of anything, he bends down and kisses my lips.

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