2. The Whole Notebook

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Dane's POV.

Me and Gabe enter Block C and are met with many hateful eyes. However, none of them dare to do or say anything.

I smirk inwardly. Cowards.

I walk towards their student council room hoping I won't see Jordan or Timothy (Alpha and Beta of Vermon Cast, also brothers) on my way. Saying we don't get along will be a huge understatement.

But, since I've walked this much into the building and neither of them has appeared before me to pick a fight, like they usually do, it seems like they're not here.

In the council room, seeing me enter, Kent (Block C's student council president & a Vermont Cast pack warrior) gets up from his seat hurriedly.

"Alpha Dane!" says Kent nervously. "What brings you here?"

"Hans had some budget cut in his sports committee. He thinks the cut amount was by mistake transferred to your hunting committee," I tell him flatly.

"Oh!" he says a little confused and relieved. "I'll... talk to the committee head and let you know."

"Okay," I say without moving.

I'm not leaving till they return Hans's cut budget. If I leave and he isn't paid later, I'll need to come here again. I want to keep my irritating visits to Block C to the minimum.

Seeing me still standing there, Kent gets the idea. "I-I will go see the committee head now."

Kent goes near the door when Gabe blocks him. "You know, I think it'll be much quicker if we talk to the committee head ourselves," he says pointing to me and him. "Just tell us where to find them."

Kent is confused by the urgency we are showing over a small matter of budget cut.

I tell him, "quick, where do I find them?"

"T-They are at the west wing. Uh, room 10C."

"Cool," says Gabe giving Kent a pat on the shoulder before walking out with me behind.

As I'm crossing an inner court to the west wing, I see a group of boys bullying a smaller kid. They're tearing his notebook and scattering the pieces. The poor kid is balled up in a corner, crying.

My hand fists in anger. If this was happening anywhere else, I would've taught those bullies a hard lesson. But in here, I don't want to create trouble unless it's something serious.

I clear my throat as I pass them. The kids see me and instantly fear appears on their faces. I growl a little, just enough for them to hear, and they drop everything and run.

Once inside the west wing, me and Gabe climb two floors and reach 10C.

We get in and inform the hunting committee members the issue and they start looking into their records for any discrepancies.

My phone rings and I step out to take the call.

"Hey, dad," I say into my phone.

"Dane, can you come to the pack office a little earlier today? About half an hour early," he says. I usually visit our pack office after school.

I nod. "Sure, I'll come early."

"Great, see you later."


I put my phone back into my jeans pocket when I hear papers flying. Are those damn kids back to bully him again? Guess I went easy on them.

I look down into the inner court from where I am, two floors above. I only see the kid that was getting bullied before. No one else is there. He's still in the corner looking afraid of something.

Then I see what he's looking at.

The torn pages merge together in mid air. The notebook is becoming whole.

Witch, I think to myself. A witch has put a fixing spell on it. I look around and notice to my right a girl standing at the floor below me.

She's facing away and is leaning sideways on the rail. Her head is turned and she's looking into the inner court over her shoulder. I can only see the side of her face.

She has dark medium length hair and is wearing black jeans, blue checkered and unbuttoned shirt and a white t-shirt under that.

Her left hand is lazily hanging over the rail. She's looking at her spell working.

I see her hand and notice a bracelet. It has a sign hanging from it. She moves her hand lightly and I can see the sign clearly.

 She moves her hand lightly and I can see the sign clearly

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I furrow my brows in mild irritation. It's the crest of Vermon Cast's Alpha family.

I think I know who she is. She is Sarah, the youngest sibling and sister of Jordan and Timothy. She's a witch, like her mother. I've never seen her before. I didn't knew she even went to this school.

I look back at the notebook and it's whole now. The notebook drops to the ground in front of the scared boy.

He hesitates for a moment, but then slowly goes near it and picks it up. Once turning its pages and confirming it's undamaged and safe, he smiles and puts it back in his bag and leaves.

I turn to her and she leaves, too.


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