Breakeven (A Niall Horan/Tom Daley Fan Fic)

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Ash’s P.O.V.

“Can I help you?”

“Uh can I get 2 cokes and 2 slices of pizza please?”

“Is that all”


“Coming right up”

My sisters 16th birthday was a last week and where did she want to go for her birthday . . . the Olympics. All the way in London. Plus she wanted me to go to. I was all for staying home by myself for the next few weeks. But she kept begging and begging and begging so I finally said yes just to make her shut up and so here I was. . . at the concession stand buying us some food because she was to into the sport that was going on now. I don’t really know what it was. I was mostly trying to find a way to leave but mom and dad said I had to stay the first day then the next days I could stay home.

“That’ll be 8.50”

I paid the man and started going back to our seats. Man I hate this it was so crowded and loud. I’m never coming back here again. Next time she can come get her own food.


My phone started ringing


A-house of bueaty this is cutie

T- cut the crap where are you

T-hurry up I’m hungry where are you

A-chill out I’m almost there

T-just hurry up I’m starving

A-fine bye


I hung up and rounded the corner and slammed into a girl.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry” I said

I had gotten the coke I was drinking all over her and our pizza was currently sitting on her head.

“It’s ok” she said in her British accent

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going. I’m so clumsy.” I rambled on

“It ok” she said again

“Here “I helped her up

“At least let me buy you a shirt or something” I said

“No its ok you don’t have to” she said

“Yes I do I have to get me another one to the gift shop is right around there I think. Come on” I said grabbing her hand

“Well ok then she said’

She had long brown curly hair, brown eyes and she was just a little taller than me

“My name is Danielle but you can call me Dani” she said

I smiled

“My names Ashlynn but you can call me Ash” I said

“Well hi Ash nice to meet you”

“Nice to meet you to Dani” I said

We arrived at the gift shop and went over to the tank tops and pulled out a blue one. Dani was having a hard time trying to find a shirt.

“How about this one . . . no this one” she held up a green tank top

“Yes that’s the one” I said laughing

We paid for the shirts and went into the bathrooms to change. When we were done we started heading back to the place where we ran into each other

“So where are you from” she asked


“Why didn’t you just watch the Olympics at home? I would have” she said

“I would have to but it was my sisters’ birthday and she wanted to come. She wouldn’t stop begging me ad so I finally gave in.” I said

“How old are you and your sister” Dani asked

“I just turned 19 last month and she just turned 16. How old are you” I asked

“I’m 24” she said


My phone started ringing again


A-charlies chicken and chitlins. may i take your order

T- im sorry wrong nu- ASH WHERE ARE YOU

A- Sorry I literally ran into somebody. I have to go get more food

T-you would. COME ON IM HUNGRY

A-I’m on my way bye

I hung up my iPhone and slid it in my pocket

“So one direction huh” Dani said laughing at what i just said

“Yeah I totally love them their music is amazing and they’re hot”

“Yeah they are I love them to” she said

We got back to the concession stands

“Well I have to go get more food I’ll see you around”

I said

“See ya” she said

I got more food and found our seats

“Took ya long enough” Taylor said

“Shut up” I said “how much longer till we can leave”

“A few more hours” mom said

I groaned and pulled out my IPod. I put the head phones in and laid on my dad’s shoulder

                  -A few hours later-

“WAKE UP ASH WERE LEAVING” tailor shouted

“God Tay could you be any louder” I groaned

‘Yes . . .  WAKE UP ASH WAKE UP ASH WERE LEAVING” she screamed louder


I dragged my bum to the car and sprawled out on the back seat. Taylor sat in the middle and mom and dad were in the front. We got to the hotel and I was the first one out the car. By the time I got in the elevators and pressed floor 8, everyone else were just now coming into the hotel. The doors opened and I went to 811 our room. Taylor and I shared a room and mom and dad shared one. Thank goodness they got us two beds. Taylor was a wild sleeper. I slept with her on our last trip and in the morning I woke up on the floor. Since we both had a key to our room I didn’t have to wait on Taylor or keep the door open I went in and jumped on the bed and fell asleep.



comment vote fan do something so ill know who you are thanks ill upload ch 2 later

you guys the video iz amazing check it out

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