Chapter 1: A Brief Introduction

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Black/white/brown(depending on soulmates skin colour, whatever is easiest seen)=Natural mood

The most talked about topic in the world. You can use a special pen to write on your arm. Whatever you write will appear on them. The ink is invisible to everyone, which makes it even harder to find your soulmate. The pen can change colours when the person writing is feeling a different emotion. Most colours have multiple meanings. The shade of the colour depends on how strong or light the emotion is, for example, if your soulmate is extremely angry, the writing will be dark red, when their slightly irritated, the writing would be a light/pastel red. You cannot write certain details to your soulmate, like your name, country, address, school, on your body. You CAN however, give them a nickname that only they can use. You may be wondering, how can you find your soulmate? Well, it's very luck based. You'll feel unnaturally drawn to the person. To finally find out if you're soulmates or not, you'll have to kiss. Once you kiss them, a beautiful bright light surrounds the both of you, binding your souls together for eternity.

Kirishima is a bright and bubbly person who is rarely upset. When he IS upset, he doesn't write to his soulmate. Due to his... rough childhood, he never really wrote to his soulmate until the end of middle school. He constantly doodles on his skin but wipes it away after an hour or two even though the ink is invisible and only he can see it.

His soulmate, on the other hand, is a handful. Bakugou constantly writes to his soulmate about his problems. When he was a kid, he thought he didn't have a soulmate due to everyone else in his class talking to them as soon as they could write but his would never answer. Once his soulmate finally wrote to him for the first time, he was overly excited, though he wouldn't admit it out loud. He is usually angry so his writing is usually red but his soulmate doesn't mind.

Kirishima's POV

I wake up to an obnoxiously loud beeping. I smack alarm clock, hitting the button to turn off the beeping. I rub at my eyes roughly, trying to wake myself up more. I glance over to the alarm clock to check the time 5:35am. Why did I set an alarm for this early? I decide to sit up and grab my phone from my bedside table. I turn it on and look at the date. A wave of realisation hits me. It's my first day at high school. I jump out of bed, rushing into the bathroom to take a shower, get changed, and style my hair. I turn the hot water on and brush my teeth. Once I finish, I run into my room to grab a towel and my uniform for my brand new school. I hurry back into the bathroom with my hands full. I dump all of the contents of my arms onto the floor in a hurry. I put one of my hands under the running water to check the temperature. It feels warm so I get undressed and step in. As I feel the warm water run over my body, I take the time to think. When was the last time I spoke to my soulmate? Probably a few days ago. I debate on writing to them before I leave for school. I put the thought behind me and carry on with my shower.

I finally get out of the shower at 6am, I grab my uniform and begin to change. Once I'm finished with that I style my hair and grab my bag. I almost leave without my soulmate pen but I remember and grab it before walking out of the door. I take my phone out of my pocket as I walk to the nearest bakery to grab something to eat. I glance at the time 7:45am. My eyes widen as I realise the time. The school is a ten minute walk from my apartment and if I stop at the bakery it'll take me an extra 15-20 minutes maximum. I calculate it in my head and realise I could possibly be late for my FIRST DAY. I start to speed walk to the bakery, preparing my ¥230 for my usual pastry I get when I go in. I walk through the door and a person around my age with golden hair and a black lightning bolt in his fringe whose wearing the same uniform as I am bumps into me. "Oh god I'm so sorry! I'm going to be late for school, I'm seriously so sorry!" He apologises over and over again. I laugh and reassure him, "it's fine bro! I just want to get my pastry and get to school, it's my first day in high school so I'm kind of nervous." He actually takes a second to look at me. When he does, he realises something. "Are you going to Yuuei High? Are you a first year? Cause if so, please walk with me cause I don't know my way there." He says quickly. Luckily, I'm able to decode what he said relatively easily. "Yes, yes, and sure, I'll walk with you! I know the way so we can leave here at 8am and get to school by 8:10." He sighs in relief, "you are a life saver, man! Oh! I'm Denki Kaminari! Nice to meet ya!" He smiles at me and I smile back. "Ejirou Kirishima! Nice to meet you too. Now where can I buy this pastry?" I ask, he laughs and walks behind the counter. "What pastry do you like?" He asks, putting on a 'professional' accent and sounding like an idiot. "May I have the cornet please?" I ask politely, chuckling lightly. "Okay that'll be ¥230 please!" I hand him the money and he hands my my pastry. "Pleasure doing business with you." I nod in agreement and pull out my phone to check the time, 7:55am. I look over to Kaminari, "Is it okay if I try to write to my soulmate, I wanna see if they're having an okay day." He looks at me and laughs, "Of course! What person would stop someone from writing to their soulmate! Just sit over there," he points to an area with tables and chairs, "I'll tell you when it's 8 okay?" I nod, "Thank you!" I walk over to the table and chairs. I pull a chair out and take a seat whilst taking off my blazer to be able to write on my arm. I write 'How are you today?' and the writing comes out a very light purple. Almost immediately my soulmate responds with black writing, obviously just a normal day for them.

*bold is Bakugou (Kirishima's soulmate, obviously) and underlined is for Kirishima*

Pretty shitty, my mum woke me up mega early for my first day. Told me I gotta be early so now I'm stuck in class with my stupidly loud classmates. How about you? Your day any better? I'm guessing your anxious.

I curse my anxiety and respond, the writing still a light purple.

It's okay, just worried for my first day, it's a fresh start and I don't wanna mess up, you know? And yeah, I'm pretty anxious but I think your day is better so far. I'm not even in school yet, I just have some free time before I leave.

"It's 7:59, I'm guessing you gotta say bye?" Kaminari warns me. "Yeah, thanks for the heads up!" I look down to see another message from them.

You'll probably be great. Your, like, the only person I know who isn't a complete idiot so I congratulate you on that.

I chuckle lightly, Ive realised my writing has went from purple to a light yellow.

Why thank you kind sir! Well I have to get going but I'll probably start doodling in class. If you have recommendations write them down! I'm gonna go, talk to you soon!

I put my blazer back on and place my soulmate pen in my pocket. I take a deep breath and stand up. Kaminari looks in my direction, "You ready to go?" I look back at him, "ready as I'll ever be, let's go!"


Hi welcome to the fanfic no one asked for and no one is going to read. I had a stupid idea I wanted to make into a book so here it is. The first chapter is finished! If you, for some unknown reason, are reading this crap, thank you! I'll update soon!


Blue? I never see blue... (A Bakushima/Kiribaku Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now