Chapter 12: Love that lasts a lifetime

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Bakugou raised his shaking hand to the door and knocked three times, waiting patiently for Kirishima to open the door. After a few seconds, which felt like hours to the blond, the door began to open, revealing the disheveled red head. He watched as the other's eyes widened and his jaw slacked. "Hi," Bakugou started awkwardly.

"Hi," Kirishima mimicked and shook himself out of his shock, stepping aside to allow the bond to enter.

"Are you-"

"I'm pretty sure-"

The two boys laughed at themselves. They were acting like two love struck teenagers, which they were. "You can go first," Kirishima suggested. Bakugou nodded and took in a deep breath, stepping closer to the red head.

"I think you guessed, 'cause you're not that dumb, shitty hair, that we're..." he paused for a second, loosing a bit of his courage. Luckily, Kirishima noticed his change in demeanour and finished the sentence for him, stepping even closer, "Soulmates?"

"Yeah. Well I'm sorry for today. I was so sure that you didn't need your soulmate appearing right now. You've been through - are going through - a rough time so I decided it would be better to just... Dissapear for a while. So I told you to forget about what happened but it upset you and-" The blond was cut off by a pair of lips flying onto his. He was stunned, not responding, which worried the red head. He pulled away, looking down in embarrassment. "Did I get too ahead of myself?" Kirishima asked, worry intertwining with his voice.

"No. No you didn't." The blond responded confidently, looking into the others crimson eyes. He raised his hand, placing it on the others face and cupping his cheek. They both leaned in closer, connecting their lips once more. The kiss was short and sweet but had a truck load of meaning behind it. As they pulled away, Kirishima rested his forehead on the other's, showing his usual toothy grin.
"I love you. So much." Bakugou blurted out, shocking the red head. Then he was pulled into a needy hug by said red head who had tears in his eyes. The dam broke and Kirishima began to cry, happiness overflowing him. Bakugou was there. He loved him. He was his soulmate. He wasn't leaving and most importantly, Kirishima wasn't a monster. He wasn't pathetic, or weak, or useless. He was strong, happy, and he felt loved for the first time in years.

"Thank- thank you so so so so much B-Bakugou." Kirishima hiccuped. He needed Bakugou to know. He needed him to realise how important he was. "I love you! I lo-love you! I love you!" The red head repeated, causing the blond to chuckle and hold him tighter. The love they shared meant so much to both of them and they both knew how important it was for the other. Because of that, they refused to let go of each other. Kaminari and Sero came back from the shop. They still held hands. The four of them sat down and watched a movie. The pair snuggled together. Kaminari and Sero left. Bakugou stayed over, holding Kirishima in a strong embrace. They were beyond happy. The only thing that mattered was them and everything was okay in their little worlds because they were together.

"Promise you'll never leave?" Kirishima spoke up after a while, holding out his pinky. "Please promise you won't leave me like everyone else I trusted did." He continued, looking at Bakugou through half-lidded eyes. Bakugou hooked his pinky around the others, keeping them linked as he slowly began to hold the others hand. "I promise."

And Bakugou was true to the promise he made that day. As they entered their third year of high school, he was still right by Kirishima's side. Once they both went to college, even though they had gotten into two different colleges, they decided to find an apartment and move in together. As they grew into hard working adults, the pair were side by side through it all.

Bakugou had left work slightly late one night as the boss wanted to have a chat with him about the new work he'd be doing. Having a desk job may not be his favourite thing, but he got into the line of work he'd dreamed of and he was happy. He walked on his route to the bus stop and paused when he noticed a small shop he'd never saw before. He walked towards it, looking through the shop window and staring at the beautiful rings inside. Acting on impulse, the blond walked inside. He had a long talk to the shop manager and had walked out with a ring in a box and a small smile etched on to his face.

A few weeks later, the pair were sat in a park, star gazing. Bakugou looked towards his boyfriend, watching as the moon lit up his face in the most perfect way. Before he knew what he was doing, the words fell out of his mouth, "Marry me."

Kirishima automatically sat up and began to splutter, face burning red. Bakugou also sat up, fishing into his pocket and finding the ring. The ring which had a small diamond on the front and 'BK x KE' engraved on the back. He opened the box and presented it to the red head. "Kirishima Eijirou, only a few years ago, we barely even knew each others name. The universe decided that we were destined to be together and I can't help but agree with it. I love you with all my heart and I'd love nothing more than for you to marry me." Bakugou didn't realise how cheesy his little speech was until he got home with his fiancé the same night.

The wedding went by fast, the two men saying their vows and Bakugou's mother being over-dramatic with the water works. Kaminari and Sero announcing that they were officially dating after finding out they were soulmates. The bouquet being caught by Mina, who was shocked when she caught it. The after party was full of happy sounding 'congratulations' from every guest and karaoke, mainly used by the troublesome duo. If you were to ask the couple how their wedding night was, they would most likely reply with, 'unforgettable'.

A few months passed and the happy couple sat down and talked. "I've been thinking about this for a while now and I want to know your thoughts," Kirishima explained. "I want to adopt a child," he stated. Bakugou looked at the red head before replying with a simple, "Let's do it."

So after a few months of checks from the orphanage to make sure the child would be okay with them, they adopted a beautiful 5 year old girl who was named Niko. They were happy and that's how it stayed. They felt complete, their long-lasting love unchanged.

AND ITS FINISHED! Thank you for sticking with me and this story, even when I didn't update for weeks (Sorry about that). But it's finally finished and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out! Thank you so so so much for reading, commenting and voting!! I hope you'll read my next Kiribaku book that'll be coming out very soon!


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