Chapter 6: The dream

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3rd POV

Kirishima gasped and sat up frantically. He placed his hand on his heart and felt it racing. The dream-turned-nightmare still played out in his head as clear as a movie. He met his soulmate, which for some reason was Bakugou- but he'd think about that later, and then he was sat there, forced to watch a group of people torture the blonde. He can remember frantically screaming a list of unintelligible words, sobbing and shaking whilst trying to break out of the invisible restraints that kept him away from the other. Soon enough, it all stopped. The group disappeared and so did the restraints. Static filled his ears as he ran towards the figure. As he got closer, he could see the cuts and bruises which littered every piece of his porcelain skin. Once the red head was standing next to the fragile body, he collapsed into a fit of sobs. The static became quieter and quieter as the voices got louder and louder.


Then they repeated...


'Stop...' he whispered. He couldn't take this for much longer.


'I said stop..." he repeated, trying to get the mysterious voice to listen.



And they listened. Then he woke up.

Kirishima looked back on the dream, questions filling his head.
'Why was Bakugou there?'
'Why was he being beaten?'
But most importantly,
'Why did that voice sound so familiar?'
The red head decided to forget about the dream for the time being and picked up his phone, checking the time. 6:34am on a Saturday. Great, who's going to be awake at this time? He sighs and checks through his social media's before getting out of bed and getting ready for the day. He walked in the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see puffy, red eyes and tear stains down his cheeks. He splashed water in his face and walked out of the bathroom, deciding to keep his hair down for the day. He walked back into his room to get changed when his phone lit up, showing 2 new notifications. He opened the first one.

Pikachu⚡️: Yo I was gna ask if you wanted to hang out w me and sero. U need to get some fresh air cause youve been in hospital for a while

Kirishima smiled and wrote out a reply

Shark Teeth🦈🦷: Sure bro! Meet you at your bakery

The red head then checked the second message, a tiny bit surprised at who it was from.

Hot-head💥: Hey, how are you? You seemed weird when you left yesterday.

Shitty Hair🖕: Yeah I'm okay, just someone's unexpected arrival is all. I didn't expect you to ask if I was okay, cause how you act y'know.

Hot-head💥: God, don't think into things too much. You'll sound like stupid Deku.

Kirishima chuckled lightly. What was so bad about Midoriya? Why did Bakugou hate him so much?

Shitty Hair🖕: Oh no! Wouldn't want that, would we?

Hot-head💥: You wouldn't want that. Not we. I don't give two shits.

Shitty Hair🖕: Well thanks. Good to know how much our friendship means to you. Anyways, wanna come hang out with me, Sero and Kaminari?

Hot-head💥: Why do you think I would come and babysit you three dumbasses?

Shitty Hair🖕: C'mon Bakubro! It'll be fun!

Hot-head💥: No.

Shitty Hair🖕: I won't make you tutor me for a whole week. Pleaseeeeeeeee

Hot-head💥: Deal.

Shitty Hair🖕: So you'll come?

Hot-head💥: Yes you shit face. I'll be at your apartment in 10. Be ready or I'm going back home. And I won't tutor you either.

Kirishima sends a thumbs up and begins to gather up his things.

Bakugou 3rd POV

The ash blonde looks down at his arm, reading one of the messages from the night prior. Three words stood out among the rest in his soulmates message to him.

'Someone's unexpected arrival'

He looks back at the message shitty hair sent him a few minutes ago, the same three words displayed on his screen. He lifts his hand to his hair, running his fingers through it. Bakugou sighs and shakes his head, turning the phone off and stuffing it in the pocket of his black jeans along with his keys. 'There's no way that idiotic cock goblin is my soulmate,' he thinks, locking his front door and walking towards his car.

"Oi, shitty hair, get your annoying self out here before I leave," Bakugou shouts through the door. "Alright, alright, I'm coming, I'm coming," The red head responds. A few seconds later, the door opens revealing Kirishima in black skinny jeans adorned with a red hoodie around his waist. He also wore a plain white v-neck with black and white converses to complete the look. His 'shitty hair' was worn down and looked surprisingly nice on him, framing his face perfectly. He smiled and Bakugou took a moment to stare at the handsome male in front of him before shaking the thought away and turning around, hoping to hide the pink tint covering his cheeks. "Come on shitty hair. Where we meeting dunce face and soy sauce?" Bakugou asks. Kirishima looks at him with a smile that could rival the sun and explains about the bakery. Bakugou couldn't help but stare as the red head talked, only hearing fragments of what he was saying. "Uhm, Bakugou?" Kirishima says, waving his hand in front of the blondes face. Bakugou quickly snaps out of it and scoffs, "yeah I heard you shitty hair. The Kaminari Bakery." The red haired male nodded and got in the car. The blonde followed suit and put his keys in the ignition, starting the car and driving to meet the other pair of oblivious idiots.

Aaaaaaaaaa I'm sorry for not updating. I had massive writers block as well as other things that came up and I was actually considering to discontinue this book. Then I was like: "You're being an idiot. Get out of your grave and write" so this happened. I hope it isn't too bad, as I said, I had massive writers block and couldn't think of what to write next but I hope this was good. Thank you for reading anyway (:


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