Chapter 11: Who said I didn't love you?

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Im back 15 minutes after the authors note with a chapter ((: This is nearly finished and I'll post the final chapter as soon as it's finished! I'm so excited to finally finish this story and post the next one.

The door closed with a slam as the scowling boy stormed down the road towards the school. He shouldn't have done that, it probably upset the red head. He groaned in annoyance at his thoughts. Should he just write to Kirishima asking if he's okay? Or should he leave it and talk to him in school? He decided on the latter and carried on walking his route to the school.

Scrap the 'talk to him in school' idea. He wasn't even in. Bakugou glanced around his English classroom, his eyes landed on the empty seat which was usually occupied by the red head. He felt guilt burry itself in his chest as his eyes lingered on the seat for an abnormally long time. He must've upset the red head a lot more than he thought if he wasn't in school. Against his better judgement, he began to write to him.

Hey, how did it go with your friend?

'Smart Bakugou, ask about something you already know.' He cursed himself. The reply came quite quick but what was written unsettled him a lot.

Hi, this is your soulmates friend. He's really upset right now so he'd like it if you'd leave him for a few hours. He'll talk when he's better.

The writing was in a deep blue, adding to the message that Kaminari or Sero probably told his soulmate to write. He scoffed and ignored their message, writing to Kirishima again. If they thought he would leave him when he was upset, they had another thing coming.

Tell your friends to butt out of our conversation. I want to know if you're okay. If you're upset, write to me.

Now that was cheesy. Too cheesy. He face palmed as he re-read over the message, cringing at his words.

I will. And sorry for that, my friends are just over-protective and want the best for me. I need to explain something to you. It might upset you and it might not at the same time but I feel as if I need to come clean.

Bakugou's eyes widened as he stared down at the message. The English class he was listening to had been tuned out by the rapid beating of his heart. What did Kirishima need to 'come clean' about? His thoughts stopped as he saw the neat handwriting begin to cover his arm.

That boy, my friend. He means a lot to me and I could go far enough to say I've fallen in love with him. I know it sounds stupid but it's true. I also know that you're my soulmate and I should choose you but he's all I can think about. I should tell you that he kissed me yesterday. He messaged me today saying to forget it but I don't think I can. I felt guilty doing this without you knowing. You're my soulmate but I can't help but fall in love with another person who doesn't even love me back. Who does that!? I'm sorry that you have a lousy soulmate like me. I hope you can forgive me for doing such a disgraceful thing.

Bakugou's head exploded as he tried to comprehend what the red headed boy was trying to say. His head began to spin as he put his hand up to gain his teachers attention.

"Yes, Bakugou?" Mr Yamada asked, stopping the lesson to answer him.

"Can I go to the nurses office?" He asked hurriedly, praying that his teacher would let him leave. His head was spinning and he began to feel nauseous.

"Very well," Mr Yamada answered, "Just come back to lessons once you feel better." He finished. Bakugou gave him a nod, collected his stuff and began to walk towards the nurses office.

Once he arrived, Miss Shuzenji greeted him and told him to take a seat. He sat down on one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs and waited for the nurse to be ready.

Miss Shuzenji said that he'd be fine and suggested he should rest there then go back to class once he felt well enough. He did as he was told and walked back into class, the next lesson had already started. Miss Midnight was teaching Hero History. The whole class watched as the blond took his seat and glanced down at his arm, the giant paragraph still covering it. He frowned and turned his arm over. He was trying is best to ignore it yet it still occupied his every thought.

'I could go far enough to say I've fallen in love with him.'

'He means a lot to me.'

'He's all I can think about.'

'I can't help but fall in love with another person who doesn't even love me back.'

These words floated around his head. Kirishima had fallen in love with him? It hurt his head to think about how he'd crushed the red heads heart. Before he could process what he was doing, he wrote out a reply to the paragraph on his hand.

Who said I didn't love you?

Kirishima gasped as he looked down at the reply. "What.." he whispered, gaining the attention of his two friends who were both writing to their soulmates. "What is it Kiri?" Kaminari questioned, worry painted his face as he looked at the puffy eyed boy. Sero unintentionally mirrored the blonds actions, also worried for his red headed friend.

"It can't be." Kirishima began, his heart doing flips.

"Can't be what?" The blond asked.

"My soulmate."

"What about 'em?" Sero chirped.

"I... I think it might be Bakugou." Kirishima decided and watched as his friends faces began to morph into shock.

"Woah that's great!" Kaminari shouted, pulling his friend into a hug. Sero joined and The blond couldn't help but scream, "Group hug!" and held on tighter. Kirishima's smiled for the first time since he received the message from the other. The already toothy grin grew wider as he realised what the message had meant. "Oh my god!" The red head screeched, "He loves me! He said it! Oh my god this is the best day of my life!" Over all the manly squealing, Kaminari and Sero both began to frown. It wasn't that they weren't happy for their friend, but sad their soulmate's weren't each other. Or so they thought.

School had ended just under an hour ago when there was a knock on Kirishima's front door. He opened it, thinking it was the troubling duo who had returned from their journey to the shop to buy chocolate and ice cream. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open once he opened the door and saw an ash blond boy on his doorstep.

Blue? I never see blue... (A Bakushima/Kiribaku Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now