Dylan Rhodes

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I have been doing magic since before I could remember. My grandfather would always show me magic tricks when I was younger and showed me how to trick the human eye. He raised me since my parents left when I was really young. Magic was my escape, I would practice for hours on end.
As I got older, it was getting harder and harder for me to help pay for me and my grandfather. So, I started to do road racing to help get money. Until it became an everyday thing. I was very good at racing and I got a lot of money to help support us.
My driving and magic skills help me get into the eye. Last year, I got a card and teamed up with Danny, Jack, Merritt, and Henley. I am the get away driver, I usually stay in the background. Through the year I got really close to all of them, but I am the closest with Dylan. He is very funny and very easy to talk to. I slowly started getting feelings for him, but I never told him how I felt. I feel like a silly teenage girl when I'm around him and can't stop a silly grin forming on my face. But he could never love me.

I am sitting in the getaway car with Jack and Dylan. Dylan's on the phone arguing with his boss at the police station. Me and Jack are in the front talking and joking around. Jack suddenly starts to get closer and closer to me.

"Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?" He says flirtatiously.

I laugh thinking he's joking, "Why thank you, you are not to bad yourself." I replied with a smile. We go back and forth and I don't realize the glare Dylan is giving Jack from the back seat.
Finally I hear Jack say, "I gotta go" and we sit in awkward silence until Dylan starts a conversation and we are back to light and joyful conversation. As the conversation goes on, Dylan gets more flirty and it's making the butterflies in my stomach go wild. I can't stop smiling the whole time.
He suddenly get serious. "Hey, I've been wanting to say this for awhile, I just never got the chance, will you go out with me?"
I freeze, I have been wanting this for a year, so of course I say yes. He leans in and his warm lips meet mine. I got everything I wanted.

I'm sorry it took forever, I hope you like it.
QOTD- What's your favorite candy?
My Answer- Swedish Fish 😄

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