Jack Wilder

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Being Daniel Atlas' little sister can be hard, you guys love each other, but you guys argue most of the time. You and Daniel have a couple things in common like you both love magic, and you both are really sarcastic, but you can be funny and have some fun. Oh did I forget to mention your Jack Wilder's girlfriend. Anyway the cos were chasing you and daniel said " Everyone split up, I will go with Henley, Jack you go with (y/n), and Merrit you go on your own."

"Ok ok bossy" you said and that earned a laugh from Jack, Merrit, and Henley, but a glare from Daniel. Then you guys went you separate ways.

When you and Jack were running, four police officers cornered you, they smiled evilly thinking they caught you "We got you trapped you have know where to go"

Then you got an idea you looked at Jack and he nodded like he knew what you were doing " your right we have where to go, so go ahead and shoot us" the police officers looked shocked that you gave up that easy. So that's what they did and they pulled the trigger. What they didn't know is that Jack switched the guns, so when they pulled the trigger bubbles came out, then you and Jack started throwing cards at the officers and ran.

As soon as you got the the meeting spot Jack gave you a massive hug and held you like he didn't want to lose you. He kissed the top of your head and said " I love you so much.

Sorry if this was really bad, I need some ideas

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