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"Hey mom?" I asked after I knocked on her bedroom door.

"Come in sweetie!" she called.

I then opened her door and noticed her closet light on, so I walked to it and saw her on the ground going through her shoes.

"Hey mom." I spoke as I sat down on the ground.

"What's up Louis?"

"I need to have a classmate come over to work on a project today."

"You... working on a project... with a classmate?"

"Mom, stop." I chuckled.

"Well, I mean if it's to work, then I guess that's okay. Just remember that Daisy and Phoebe are having their friends come over for cheer practice."

"Yeah, I know." I nodded.

"Alright, then yes. They can come over."

"Great." I spoke as I put a pair of her sneakers into a shoe box that matched the brand.

"What's their name?"


"Oh, Harry. I love that name."

"I'm glad you do." I spoke sarcastically.

"What's with the tone?"

I shrugged.

"Do you not like Harry?"

"Not particularly."

"Why not?"

"He's annoying."

"Is he too much of a 'dork' for you?" she questioned while putting quotations in the air when she spoke "dork".

"No. He's not a dork at all."

"Than what's wrong with him?"

"He's tough."

"Oh, so you're mad that you can't push him around?"

"Ma?" I said with raised eyebrows.

"What? You don't think I know you bully people Louis? Lottie tells me everything. She sees what you do to people in the hallway. She tells me its embarrassing to her to have an older brother who is so mean."

I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I was meaning to tell you this earlier, but I couldn't find the words to say it until now..."

"Say what?"

"You're grounded until you can show me proof that you and Harry are great friends."

"What?" I asked sitting up straight.

"I want you to put your bad attitude aside and become friends with the boy that is coming over that you happen to dislike. I'm tired of you being mean to people. Maybe if you get to know Harry, you'll actually like him."

"Mom... I'm not becoming friends with Harry. No way."

"Then you'll stay grounded."


"Well, just for that... I want you friends with a non-tough guy as well as Harry. Pick one of the people you bully and become friends with them."

"You can't be serious?"



"Give me your keys."


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