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"Why are you so worked up dude?" Zayn asked me as I paced back and forth in the gym locker room.

"Because, Harry is in our next class."

"Dude." Zayn laughed. "He's a nobody. Stop working yourself up over a nobody."

"He's not a nobody. He's competition."

"Competition for what?"

"For the biggest bad ass in school."

"Everyone is scared of you Lou. I'm sure it will stay that way."


"What makes you so scared?"

"He stands up to me. Pretty soon everyone will think they can."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why does it matter to you that you need to be feared by everyone?"

"I just like it." I shrugged.

"Then change. Change is good Louis."

"I don't want to change."

"Louis, you need more friends. The sluts and I can't be your only friends. It will get lonely after awhile."

"I like the sluts and you."

Zayn laughed.

"Well thanks. But branch out. Be nice to people."

I didn't say anything... and then the bell rang.

"Well come on. Time to go bake." Zayn said and headed out of the gym locker room doors.

I sighed and walked behind him.

"Maybe I should beat Harry up?" I said as we walked.

"Why? He really hasn't done anything to you?"

"He's annoying?"

"Anything else?"

"It will show people not to mess with me."

Zayn just rolled his eyes and walked into class.

I walked behind him and sat down in my seat.

Everyone then piled in, even our stone age teacher... but no Harry.

"Look." Zayn spoke after the bell rang. "He's not even here today."

"Good." I nodded.

But a minute later he entered.

"Well, at least he's going to detention." I shrugged.

I saw him walk over to our teacher, she smiled, and then he sat down in his seat.

"What the fuck?" I whispered. "Did you see that?"

"Yeah." Zayn nodded. "What the hell? Every time someone is late she makes them go to detention. Why does he get to stay?"

"See, this is why I hate him."

"Okay, everyone... please go into your kitchens and start baking all the cookies we went over in the past two weeks. I will then come around and grade you once you've seat the table, cleaned the kitchen, and set all ten cookies on a plate."

Everyone then got up and started their business.

"I'll do the snickerdoodles." Zayn spoke.

"You have to do more then that Z." I laughed.

"But my doodles."

"Z." I laughed.

"They are all in the oven." Harry spoke up as he sat back at his desk.

"The hell?" I asked and walked over to him. "You did not just make all of those cookies in less then a minute?"

"You're right on that."

"Then how?"

"My friend has this class second period and told me what we had to make. I went to the store and got the cookies raw. I then stuck them in the oven to bake."

"Well shit. Thanks."

Harry nodded.

"You have all of them right?" Zayn asked.

"Snicker doodles, chocolate chip, full chocolate, peanut butter, sugar, oatmeal, oatmeal chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, ginger, and pumpkin."

"Well shit." Z said.

"But we should at least stand in the kitchen so she doesn't notice." I spoke walking back.

Zayn and Harry followed.

"So Harry?" I asked leaning back against the counter. "Where are you from?"

"I moved from Holmes Chapel."

"All the way to Florida?" I asked. "Must be weird living in the US, huh?"

"Kinda." he nodded not making eye contact with me.

"You know, Louis' mom is from the U.K." Zayn spoke up.

"Oh?" Harry asked. "Where about?"

"Doncaster." I said.

"That's like two hours away from my old city."

"Cool." I said.

"When did your mom move to America?"

"When I was about four." I answered.

"Wait, so you're originally from the U.K.?"

I nodded.

"Well, it's nice to have a fellow Brit at the school."

I just raised my eyebrows and then went to check on the cookies.

I then heard Zayn whisper, "You'll have to excuse him, he can be a bit of a dick sometimes."

"I've noticed." I heard Harry whisper back.

I rolled my eyes and then stood on the other side of the kitchen, just checking my phone.

I then heard Zayn say, "You know, I haven't really introduced myself. I'm Zayn. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Harry."

"How has Florida been treating you?"

"It's been alright. I haven't really been out much for anything truly good to happen."

"Oh, sorry to hear that. In about a month though, you'll be in love with this place."

"Oh really?"


I rolled my eyes as I went through twitter.

I know what Zayn is trying to do. He's trying to make Harry his friend so I can't touch him...


Please like and comment on the third chapter! ~Ash

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