Mad Love Chapter Four

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Okay, here is Chapter Four of Mad Love.



I opened my eyes to find a sky full of stars looking back at me. It was crystal clear, and beautiful. A movement caught the corner of my eye, and I looked over to see the diving board.

There sat a young man watching me as he rested cross-legged on the board, his body suspended over the water, his face a shadow.


I gasped, quickly choking on the chlorine water I was swimming in. Lovely. Sparks flew in my vision, as I coughed and hacked for air. I flailed my arms in the water, finding my balance. The air seemed too hot when I finally caught my breath, and I knew my cheeks were stained red from embarrassment.

"What are you doing here?" I rasped, my throat burning. It wasn't an accusation, but it had really surprised me.

Jamie shrugged, remaining seated on the diving board. He was wearing a pair of khaki cargo shorts and a light-colored shirt. His expression didn't give away much, but if I had to guess, I would say he looked bored. Jamie's apathy made me feel less of a fool, and I swam closer to him.

"Where were you?" I asked, looking up at him. Again, I was not interrogating him, but softly asking a question. His eyes were shadowed as he looked down at me, but I know he was meeting my gaze dead on.

"Nowhere important," he responded. Jamie's voice was very quiet. I had the impression that he didn't want me to know, which only made me more curious. His arms hung loosely, forearms resting on his knees. His shoes had been tossed to the edge of the walkway, lying on their sides.

I was bobbing around directly below the diving board. Reaching up, I grasped the sides of the board, pulling myself up slightly to see him better. I rested my hands there, looking at him. I felt self-concious in my bikini, and wished I hadn't worn it. It's okay to wear around Em, but that's because she's my best friend. Moonlight lit Jamie's hair, and slanted across his body. I nervously pondered how well he could see me.

"Julie said you were meeting up with some friends. Was it a party?" I knew I was asking too many questions, but anything was better than the long silences I've been getting.

Jamie nodded. I licked my lips nervously, watching my fingertips make small puddles on the diving board.

"Was there anyone important at the party?" I really hadn't wanted to ask that question, but it rushed past my lips before I could help it. My gaze shot up to his. He slowly shook his head.

"No one important," he said quietly again. Being this close to him, I realized he smelled faintly of cigarette smoke. He sighed.

I'm not sure how long we stayed silent like that for. I reached my hand up, softly touching his fingertips. His hand was lax, and I could feel callouses that had formed from working. We watched as my hand played with his. I was barely touching him, mostly toying with his fingers.

"Your room is the first door on the right on the bottom floor," I said, withdrawing my hand from his. I looked up at him again, letting go of the board. I swam back some, turning away from him. As I neared the opposite end of the pool, I called over my shoulder, "There's extra blankets in the hal-" I was cut off abruptly by the thunderous splash of water behind me.

I whirled around, small waves hitting my shoulders and throat. Jamie's shirt and phone were lying discarded next to his shoes. Bubbles tickled around my legs as he swam below me. All I could make out was a blurry, dark figure since the pool didn't have lights in it.

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