46. Nick

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Tinder has got to be the greatest invention of the 21st century. Both people come into it knowing exactly what they want. No one is taking advantage of anyone. And it's the only thing that can give Nick the dose of serotonin he literally craves at times.

How often he partakes usually depends on his day. If nothing reminds him of a painful memory of Bailey that day, he is fine. If his guilt overtakes him at some point, he pulls up the app. He's learned the right times to try to find matches. It's pretty barren during the day and early morning, but he has never had trouble in the evenings.

Occasionally, while messaging a possible match, he will get the vibe that she may be interested in something other than sex, and he politely declines. That's not at all what he's after. While his body is wandering, his heart is still attached to one person.

Candace was right about one thing. Time has given him some perspective about what happened between Bailey and him. What he said was fucked up, without a doubt, but he's not sure it's completely unforgivable. If he could talk to her, or see her, maybe he could make it right, somehow.

He knows that the fact he's been fucking girls left and right will probably not help his chances, but he can't make it through the night without it. It's a viscous cycle.

Candace eventually accepted his life style. She stopped with the disapproving looks and started simply rolling her eyes. Pete, as always, didn't give a shit either way.

Nick was surprised when they agreed to come to this club with him tonight. The girl he matched with earlier works here and asked him to meet her during her break.  It was perfect timing because he has to get up early tomorrow to catch his plane to California to see Ian.

He couldn't believe it when he discovered it was 90s night.

Of course, the girl who "was born in the wrong decade" is on his mind from the second he walks in the door. The memory of that Valentines Day brings a smile to his face. He's relieved that he still has memories of her that aren't excruciating when they come to mind.

Nick, Candace and Pete find a table in the corner and order drinks. Nick's tinder date is their server, so she doesn't card them, recognizing him from his photo. She winks at him as she sets his beer on the table. He licks his bottom lip and nods at her. He can see the blush creeping up her face as she turns.

As soon as she's a few feet away, he breaks character and joins Candace and Pete's conversation. It's the first time he has drank in months, but it goes down smooth and he orders another. He's not sure if it's the lights, or the music, or the idea that he's about to get laid in the back room, but the drinks are really going to his head tonight.

After he finishes his second, he sees the movie, Happy Gilmore, playing on the TV above them. He laughs to himself as he drinks his third drink. He can't hear it, but he thinks he knows most of the dialog.

"I love this movie!" Candace exclaims loudly, noticing the TV as well. She must be getting tipsy too. Pete has only had one drink, so he will be able to drive them all home.

"Yeah," Nick agrees. "But Billy Madison was much better."

"Whatever. Gilmore all the way!"

Nick pulls out his phone. "You know what? I know someone who will be able to settle this. She loves 90s movies."

Pete and Candace look at each other, confused. "Who do know besides us?" Pete jokes. Nick flips him off and begins texting Bailey.

"You know, Nick, it's really not that big of a deal," Candace says, laughing.

Nick ignores her.

Me: So I'm at this club and it happens to be 90s night. I'm currently in a very serious discussion & I need to ask the undisputed queen of 90s movies. Billy Madison or Happy Gilmore?

It doesn't take her long to respond this time, unlike on her birthday. He wonders what she is doing right now, who she is with. If he knows her at all, she's with a group of people or at a party. She is his social butterfly.

No. Not his.

Bailey: First of all, there's a club there that has a 90s night?!?

Is she hinting at something?

Me: I'll need to bring you here sometime. You'd love it.

Wait. He can't bring her here if he fucks the waitress.

"Let's go, guys," Nick says. "I'm over this."

"What about your date?" Candace asks.

"Not interested."

The high he feels right now from talking to Bailey is better than anything he could get from her.

He's glad she doesn't see him as they leave. He wasn't sure what he would say. He's having trouble forming coherent thoughts.

When they reach the car, he realizes that she hasn't responded to his last text. Fuck. He knew he shouldn't have said that. Of course she doesn't want to come here with him.

He's staring at his phone as her next message comes through, but she doesn't mention his last one.

Bailey: Billy Madison, no contest

Thank God she's choosing to ignore his last comment instead of telling him how pathetic he is.

Me: Yes! That's what I said! I'll tell her you agree with me.

Nick waits for her to respond all night, praying that this is his opening back into her life.

She doesn't.

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