60. Nick

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Day turns into evening when Bailey announces she's going to get ready for the party. She doesn't pull away from him on the bed, though. They've only gotten up a few times today.

"I need to figure out what I'm wearing." She looks at him. "Can I borrow something of yours?"

"Um...Excuse me? What kind of party is this?"

"It's a pajama party. I thought I told you that."

He laughs. "You didn't. And it's a little ironic, isn't it?"

"Ha, yeah, I guess it is. In my defense, I came up with this theme before...you know." She motions her finger between the two of them. "I'm sure you won't be complaining when girls inevitably show up in basically their underwear."

He pulls her mouth up to his, kissing her slowly. "You're the only one I'm going to see."

She smiles. "Mmm...good answer."

But it was true. When Bailey was in his vicinity, she was like a blinding light that shadowed all its surroundings.

She kisses him again before standing up and rummaging through his bag. "Close your eyes," she tells him.

"I hate to break it to you, Bailey, but I've already seen you naked."

She rolls her eyes. "Just do it."

So he does as she asks. He hears her moving around, shuffling clothes on and off. It takes everything in him to keep them closed when he knows she's undressed.

"Okay," she says finally.

He opens his eyes and takes her in. She's in one of his white t-shirts, but the sleeves are rolled up a few times, and she has it tied in the back, so it's showing a couple inches of her stomach. She's also wearing a pair of his flannel boxers, rolled up at the waist—he's assuming so they won't fall off her.

"Holy fuck, Bailey."

She turns around and looks at herself in the mirror. "Is it okay? How do I look?"

He doesn't answer. Instead he moves to stand behind her, looking at their reflection. The top of her head reaches his shoulder. He always forgets the difference in their height because they fit together so perfectly.

He flattens his palm along the exposed skin below the T-shirt and bends to kiss her neck before moving up to her ear. He can feel her melting before turning to face him.

She wraps her arms around his neck before giving him a quick peck on the lips. "I need to get ready."

"I don't know how I'm supposed to go to a party when you look like this...in my clothes." He reaches around her and grabs her ass with both hands. "I'm already looking forward to after."

"You'll be fine. We'll take a few shots before we go. We haven't even opened the vodka I got with Derek."

"Just know that if I see one grown ass man in footie pajamas, I'm outta there."

"I still don't understand how you guys get away with this," Nick says to Bailey over the music.

They are standing in the hallway of her dorm building literally five feet away from her door. It's Bailey's turn to be in charge of the keg for the dorm committee, so Nick is keeping her company, handing out Solo cups after Bailey collects the five dollars.

"Our RA is cool as fuck. He basically told us that as long as no one leaves or gets alcohol poisoning, he doesn't give a shit."

"So you must be Nick..." Nick hears from behind him.

When he turns around he sees two girls. One is exceptionally tall, almost as tall as him, and the other has the brightest, pinkest, hair he's ever seen.

He feels Bailey's hand on his shoulder. "Nick, this is Abby and Missy."

"Hey," Nick says, tilting his chin up. He's not sure what else to say. He's pretty sure Bailey has mentioned their names to him before, but he can't recall any details.

They both glance awkwardly at Bailey, clearly put off by his lack of conversational skills. "Can we get a couple cups?" Missy asks, handing Bailey a ten. "We did some pre-gaming over at my place, and I seriously don't want to lose my buzz."

Nick gives them what they paid for and stands silently while the three girls converse about God-knows-what. The two walk away when another guy comes up asking for a cup. Bailey introduces Nick like she has to every other person at this party. He hopes she doesn't expect him to remember all these people.

After an hour of working the keg, a red haired girl relieves them. Nick and Bailey find a spot against the wall and continue drinking. They both had a couple of shots of vodka in Bailey's room, and Nick has kept a pretty steady pace of beer since the party started. He's making a mental note to slow down when Bailey starts laughing, throwing her head back.

When he looks at her confused, she points down the hall, "I guess that means you're leaving."

Nick turns his head and sees four or five guys arriving, all in various colors of fleece footie pajamas. Their leader is, of course, Derek. Nick coughs out a laugh, and when he sees tears running down Bailey's face, laughs even more. "This is fucking perfect."

Bailey leans her forehead into his temple while they attempt to get ahold of themselves. For the rest of the night, he can't look in Derek's direction without covering his smile with his hand.

Hours pass when Nick notices that the party is starting to clear out. It must be getting late. Bailey doesn't seem to notice, though, striking up a conversation with everyone who crosses her path.

Nick and her are the complete opposites in this way. She seems to know every person who lives in this entire building, while Nick wouldn't know his next door neighbor if he saw him on the street.

When they are alone again, she leans into his side, stumbling slightly. "I am so fucking drunk."

He wraps his arm around her waist and brings his mouth to her ear. "Does that mean I'm getting lucky tonight?"

She laughs softly, "We'll see."

"Oh yeah?" He pulls her closer, so she's pressed to the front of him, between his legs, his back still against the wall. He must be drunk too because he doesn't give a shit if anyone sees them like this.

"You know, when we kiss, sometimes you make this little humming noise," she says, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I do?" He asks, and she nods.

No one had ever told him that before. "That's really fucking weird. Sorry."

"No!" She says, probably more loudly than she intended. She quiets her voice. "It's really fucking awesome. I love it. It's like you want me so bad, you can't control it, or something, like a cat purring."

It's true that when he's kissing her, his mind goes blank. All that matters is making her feel good, and feeling good in return, so maybe he does make a noise without realizing it.

She stands on her toes, bringing her mouth towards his. Nick can feel his pulse quickening, readying himself for a kiss. "I need another drink," she says, unwrapping her arms from around him.

"Tease," Nick laughs. He grabs her cup from her hand and walks away toward the keg.

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