18. Bailey

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I actually do a pretty good job for awhile. Of course, I still see Nick at school, and it's unfortunate that our lunch tables line up so he sits directly in my line of vision, but, overall, I've stopped spending every waking second thinking about him. It's down to only every other second.

Lately, he's been sitting next to Mitzi Peterson at lunch everyday. Mitzi is, without a doubt, the most stunning person I have ever seen in real life. She has caramel skin and dark brown, natural wavy hair. She was voted Best Smile and Best Eyes in our class.

I, however, was voted Most Likely to Do a Keg Stand.

Today Nick's arm is resting on the back of her chair while the two of them are talking amongst themselves.

I really need to stop staring.

And now, she's covering her mouth to laugh at something he whispered, and he grabs a french fry off her tray.

My vision is interrupted by none other than Justin and Rebecca, walking hand in hand down the aisle.

Since school resumed from winter break, my lying, cheating ex boyfriend, Justin, keeps texting me, begging me to forgive him. I typically take one look at them and immediately delete. There is no chance of him weaseling his way back into my life.

What is confusing, however, is that the fact that he is still dating Rebecca. Even though I haven't responded to any of his messages or given him any sort of signal that I've forgiven him, I still feel guilty that this is all obviously happening behind her back. I ask Mandy what to do.

"Fuck her," she says immediately. "She knew you were dating him and didn't give a shit. It's karma."

I just can't stop the nagging guilt that overtakes me every time I see that he's texted me again. So after school, I take an opportunity to get it off my chest. I see her walking to the student parking lot ahead of me.

"Hey, Rebecca!" I yell.

She turns around and looks shocked to see me, understandably. She stops and waits for me to catch up.

Once I reach her, I just spill it out. "I know we don't speak usually, you know, because you fucked my boyfriend behind my back." So maybe this isn't going as smoothing as I'd hoped. She looks at the ground, obviously uncomfortable. "But I thought I'd let you know that Justin has been texting me...a lot. Asking me to come back to him. He says he's not over me and made the biggest mistake of his life, yadda yadda yadda."

She's looking at me now but doesn't speak. So I continue, "I'm not saying this to gloat...or brag...or whatever." Suddenly realizing how this must sound. "But I know that I would want to know if my boyfriend were doing these things."

We stand in silence for an uncomfortably long time. Rebecca has long curly hair which I have always thought was gorgeous but is reminding more of a lion's mane as tension grows thicker and thicker in the air.

By the time she speaks, I know she's going pounce. She's at least five inches taller than me, but I stick out my chin and try to look as intimidating as possible.

She smirks. "You really are pathetic, Bailey. You think you can stand here and lie to me, and I'll believe you? And on Valentines Day?"

It's Valentines Day? I hadn't even realized.

I glance around me and see a small crowd forming. "Excuse me? Why would I lie about this?"

She doesn't answer me. "Guess what, bitch? He doesn't want you! Move on! I didn't think you could go any lower than trying to win him back days after he dumped your ass, but you surprise me!"

She's referring to the conversation I had with him in which he fell on knees apologizing and crying and then tried to kiss me when I confronted him about sleeping with her.

I step closer to her, all restraint gone. "You have got some fucking nerve! You're going to stand here and call me names when you were my boyfriend's side piece for months before I dumped him?"

Her eyes goes wide with anger and she puts both of her hands on my shoulders, pushing me backwards. It isn't a hard push, it only makes me stumble because I still have my book bag on. But that doesn't matter. This bitch put her hands on me when I was just trying to help her!

I take a deep breath before charging into her. I don't know exactly what I'm planning, but the image of me smashing her face into grass seems appealing. I take one fast step when someone grabs my arms from behind, stopping me. "Whoa there, killer."

I look behind me, getting ready to tell whoever it is to fuck off, but I see it's Nick. His sudden closeness after weeks of avoidance catches me off guard and I freeze.

"Let's go," he says. "Now."

Still holding to my arms, he steers me toward my car. Behind me, I can still hear Rebecca yelling, "This isn't over, bitch! He's mine!"

Before I can yell a response, Nick does. "Don't you have someone's boyfriend to fuck? Go home!"

She doesn't reply, and when I glance behind me, I see the crowd dispersing, disappointment on all their faces. No fight today.

I'm still fuming by the time we get to the car. I subconsciously get into the passenger's seat while Nick gets behind the wheel.

"What a bitch!" I yell. "I can't fucking believe her!!"

Nick is trying not to laugh. "You wanna tell me what happened with you and the Jolly Green Giant?"

I roll my eyes, but immediately calm down when I see his smile. "She's not that tall. I could have taken her."

"Really, Bailey? You think getting into a fight and getting expelled four months before graduation is a good idea?"

I don't answer. I'm still trying to steady my breathing.

"Why were you even talking to her, anyway?"

"Justin's been texting me again. Well, he's never really stopped actually. He wants to get back together."

Nick's expression is unreadable. "He does?"

"Yes. But there's no way that's ever going to happen." I feel the need to reassure him, although I don't know why. "Anyway, I told her about it, and she freaked out."

"Honestly, Bailey, what did you think was going to happen?" Nick starts the ignition and shifts into reverse.

"Wait. Where's Ian?"

"Student Council. He'll get a ride from someone."

After a few seconds of silence, Nick asks, "Any plans for tonight?"

I know he's just trying to take my mind off of Rebecca, and I appreciate it. There is a party tonight that I was planning on going to, but not anymore. I know Justin and Rebecca will be there, and I am not in the mood to deal with them.

"No. Probably just watching some movies. You? Got a hot date?" I say it as a joke, but it immediately becomes awkward.

"I have to work, actually, so no Valentines plans for me."

Nick works at a local restaurant as a cook. He usually works a few nights a week, but lately it seems to be more.

We don't speak anymore on the drive home even though there are so many things that need to be said.

Nick & BaileyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant