Chapter 14

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Joe leaped over him kicking down to the ground sinking his teeth into his neck.    

No no no!

I winced moving towards Alec but Dr.Green placed his hand on my shoulder pulling him back. "Don't, this is the way of the pack." I stood there watching Alec being mauled on by this asshole. Alec couldn't lose, the pack needed him, the locals needed him.

I needed him.

Alec managed to jam his claws underneath the mouth of Joe digging deep also stabbing himself. He was trying to pull his mouth off his neck but he was losing blood and growing weaker with the clenched jaw on his neck and the claws digging into his chest near his heart. He kept fighting trying to find a way out of this death hold he was in. His body began to slacken and his claws were slightly retracting slowly. I need to help him, he would not die tonight. I could tell he was watching me at that moment so I kneeled down on my knees making deep contact with his now fading blue eyes. I closed my eyes and when I opened them they flashed there emerald green, I opened my mouth and let out the loudest and most animalistic roar I had ever heard. Just like he had done for me, I used my wolf to force his wolf to keep fighting through the pain, I wasn't an alpha but I was his woman.

His eyes opened wide as he watched me, his eyes brighter until they were his bright glowing blue once again. He jabbed his claws in the bottom of Joes jaw and used his left hand to jab his claws into the top of his mouth. He began to pull part the jaw and the teeth were removing from his neck. Alec pushed Joe off with a quick headbutt to the face and quickly spun on him lunging at him with full force, he bite into Joes throat digging his teeth into the soft tissue piercing his flesh and muscle blood was spraying out in every direction. With force he dug his claws into Joes chest breaking his chest bone and piercing his heart and with a hard loud growl he closed his mouth tighter around his throat ripping it out spitting it down to the ground. Joe fell to his knees and landed on the ground morphing into an human man.

I couldn't believe what I had just seen with my eyes, it was gruesome but necessary. Alec could be the one lying face first in the dirt without a throat. The pack cheered and howled at the moon. I ran into the circle stopping to kneel down beside Alec who was on the ground on all fours panting, sweating and trying to stand. He wasn't healing and still losing blood from the deep abdominal wound.

"Alec! Are you okay?" He looked at me with a grin then his eyes began to close and he landed on the ground face first. What was happening, why wasn't he healing.  Dr. Green and the rest of the pack ran to his side, Dr.Green knelt down checking his pulse,"He is alive, he just fainted from the blood loss, he should be healing." He stood up and walked over to Joes body picking up his hand, looking at his palm, sitting in the center of his palm was a broken glass vial within his hands contained remnants of the yellow liquid.  He tossed down his hand and walked back to Alec. "I should have known that bastard would cheat, he had a vial of wolfsbane, he must have broken it during the fight in his hands to weaken Alec. Let's get him back to his cabin and I'll be there with some medication to flush it out of his system." The other pack members picked up Alec placing him in the backset of a red pickup truck. Two men got into the driver and passenger side and speed off kicking up dirt in there wake. The other members started leaving probably heading to the bar to drink out tonight's gore.

"You come with me, he will want to see you when he wakes up." We loaded Alec's bike onto the back of Greens pickup truck and drove off to the hospital to pick up some medical supplies like an IV and bag, bandages, antibacterial ointment, a shot and a vial with blue liquid. Once on the road again making our way to Alec's cabin I turned to Green,"Whats wolfsbane and that blue liquid."

"Wolfsbane is a deadly plant used to kill our kind, it can bring out the werewolf if smelled but can kill if eaten or injected into the bloodstream, the blue liquid is Monk, it reverses the affects and overpowers the wolfsbane removing it completely from the system." We made it to his cabin and two other pack members were waiting outside in the pickup truck, we pulled in beside them and I quickly grabbed our supplies and got out of the truck. The two members nodded at me,a sign of respect. "You boys go on home, I got it from here," Green walked in behind me shutting the door. Alec was laid out on the couch, his eyes still closed. Green grabbed a chair from the corner and sat beside him, he pulled out an alcohol swab and cleaned off an area near the fold of his arm, he pulled the cap off the shot and sticking the needle into the soft pad on top of the vial pulling in the liquid filling the shot, he flicked out the bubbles and pressed the needle to Alec's arms, once he found a vein, he pushed the need inside injecting the liquid into his bloodstream.
"There it should kick in soon,let's just clean him up. I'll attach the IV after to rehydrate his body." We removed as much of the dirt and blood as we could, we applied the antibacterial ointment all over his wounds to prevent infection until he could heal on his own, we wrapped him in bandages and Green attached the IV placing the bag on top of the couch so it would flow better. Green was gathering his things and making his way to the door, "Now let him rest, he will be a new man tomorrow morning, so you need a ride back to your cabin?"

"No, I'm going to stay here, thank you for everything." I hugged him at the doorway and closed the door behind him as he unloaded Alec's bike and left. I walked back to Alec and laid on the ground beside him.

"I'm right here Alec." I drifted off too sleep.

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