Chapter 10

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"You're a werewolf Star, and I'm the one that turned you."

"The werewolf that..." Then and there the memory hit me like a ton of bricks. "Blue glowing orbs, that was you, you fucking bit me." I jumped off the bed but landed on my face, my legs couldn't support me. I was still too weak.

"Star are you alright." He lifted me off the ground and placed me back onto the bed.

"How could you do this to me! Why would you attack me." I was trying to keep the tears from streaming down my face but I couldn't help it. If there was one thing I hated it was showing weakness in front of others. I wasn't some weak woman, I was strong.

"Star I'm sorry,  during the full moon we are in full wolf form. The beast takes over and our human emotions and thoughts are not in control. I didn't realize what I had done until the next morning when I could taste the copper on my tongue." Alec ran his hand over his face and placed his hand on mine. Any normal person would have pushed him away or drop kicked him and left but I didn't move. I knew deep in my soul that this was an accident, he hadn't mean't to hurt me. I turned my hand over and held his hand.

"I didn't know it was you until I got a call from Mary saying she saw you with a bandage on your leg and that you were looking for me. Instantly I felt regret, guilt and hatred for what I am."  He was no longer looking at me but down at the sheets of the bed. He was ashamed and guilty. I placed my finger underneath his chin and tilted his face up so I could look him in the eyes.

"It was an accident, there is no point dwelling on the past, it happened. Now let's move on and figure out what we are going to. I need you." I could see his eyes brighten slightly and he moved in closer pulling me in for an embrace. I instantly could smell his scent, both his human fresh clean scent and the beast within. My nose flared and my body grew warm. I pulled away and looked up at him and his eyes were glowing blue. He then slide away from me off the bed facing away from me closing his eyes. When he turned around opening his eyes they were normal.

"What was that about?" I was feeling this intense warmth and it wasn't in my chest.

"We are human but also part animal. Our animal scenes are all ways at a high, our vision, hearing, taste and scent but also our desires, lust and needs." He walked back to the bedpost and leaned his body against it. I used my new found vision and let my werewolf eyes take over. I could see every muscle as he breathed, or slightly moved his body and flexed. I knew he could see exactly what I was doing. I could see the vein in this neck throbbing. I started to listen and could hear the pounding of his heart, it beat faster and faster the more I watched him and grazed my eyes over his body. I ran my tongue over my lips and started to bite my lower lip. He shifted his weight and crossed his legs, his breathing becoming shallow. I was affecting him.


"I know what your doing Star. Your not ready for sex." He pulled away from the post and walked back to my side sitting down on the bed in front of me. With hearing him say the word sex, I quickly snapped out of my werewolf trance and  looked at him shocked. "What makes you think I want sex Alec." He threw back his head letting go of a deep loud laugh, it was heavenly.

"I can smell you."

I think I turned the color of a tomato wanting to bury my head in the sand and never be found again after this moment.

"What we need to focus on is teaching you to transition without dying from the pain. It will always be uncomfortable but the fastser you transition, the less pain you will feel. The other senses with take control when needed, those are easy."

"That sounds easier said then done Alec." I was trying to see the positive side of all this and expect for the senses everything else just seemed horrible.

"For now get some rest, tomorrow when your stronger we will start the transition process. We also need to introduce you to the pack."  He stood up and walked to the door of the bedroom.

"What about Lillian and my old life?" I needed to know.

"Your apart of my pack now, we are your family but you can still have your life. We are a pack but everyone has has families and a life. I can't keep you here." With that he walked out of the bedroom and locked the door behind him.

I threw myself down onto the bed and sighed.

"I'm a fucking werewolf."

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