Chapter 13

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I was straddling his motorcycle with my arms tightly wrapped around Alec's waist. We were back on that long dirt road taking a right driving into the driveway of Cravens Place, he circled the building and at the back there was another smaller dirt road leading from the bar that I never noticed before. We went straight on that road passing the tree line deeper into the woods. Alec was dodging tree branches that had landed on the road with ease. Suddenly a large clearing opened up and in the center of the woods was large cleared circle. Surrounding the circle were the other pack members motorcycles and pickup trucks facing the inside of the circle with there headlights on illuminating the inside of the circle. It looked like a fight club arena.

Everyone stood around waiting for there alpha, Joe and a couple of his buddies stood to the right inside the circle pumping each other up and taking swigs from there beer bottles. This was defiantly a challenge if I have ever seen one.

This was going to be bloody. 

The motorcycle came to a stop and Alec tossed his leg over getting off the bike, he offered me his hand and pulled me towards his side keeping his hand on my waist at all times. We approached the pack and I could feel all eyes on me. They were wondering what the hell I was doing here and so was I at that moment.

"This is Star, she is recently turned. I turned her and as alpha I have claim she is mine." Hearing a man say I was his like property would have royally pissed me off in the past and I would have been done with that person but hearing Alex call me his just made my body warm up and my heart skip. Things were different and I know he was protecting me from the pack and forcing their acceptance.

"That's if you stay alpha boy." Joe spat the words with obvious disgust. "When I become alpha I'll do with her what I want, don't worry Alec I'll take care of her." He winked in my direction and I wanted to ripe his eyes out of his sockets. I could feel my claws growing and my eyes began to glow there emerald green. Alec placed his hand on my shoulder and flashed me with glowing blue eyes. I quickly retracted my claws and normalized my eyes.  He kissed me on the lips tenderly and walked into the circle. An older man stepped into the circle who I quickly recognized as Dr.Green.  Dr.Green was werewolf? "Alright listen up, we are here because of challenge, you all know the rules it's a fight to the death in werewolf form only, last man standing becomes the alpha including the change of the pack name. Let the challenge begin." The doctor walked out of the circle and made his way in my direction standing beside me. "Loose dog?"

"Forgive me Star but I couldn't exactly tell you the truth in that moment." I understood, it's not just something you tell someone, especially an outsider like myself. "Alec is a good man, a powerful well respected alpha. He believes in humanity, Joe will destroy it." Alec needed to keep his title and keep the locals safe including everyone else. Joe would try to own the world.

"Time to die boy," Joe began to contort his body morphing into a light grey werewolf with large claws and yellow eyes. Alec quickly followed morphing into the midnight black haired beast with ease with his glowing blue eyes. Both been rolled there shoulders, and began circling each other growling salvia dripping from there pointed teeth. Joe lunged first trying to dig his claws deep into Alec's chest. Alec's werewolf dodged his claws while swiping his claws into Joes back, blood oozing out of the deep wound. He let out a howl and dropped to his two front legs,kicking Alec with his hind legs in the chest, the claws ripping into Alec's flesh. I let out a small shriek, I couldn't watch this.

Alec quickly recovered leaping into the air tackling Joe onto the ground in a mad frenzy Alec's wolf slashed at Joes chest exposing his muscle, and even exposing a bit of his bone, he was slashing like a mad man. The sound of shredding flesh was nauseating and the smell of blood filled the humid night air. Joe let out a howl, thrashing his claws into Alec's side and he somehow managed to claw deep into Alec's stomach making him cry out and blood squirted out.

That didn't look good. 

He stumbled back and now Joe leaped over him kicking him down to the ground...

sinking his teeth into his neck.

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