Infinity War AU >>Niall Centric

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-Infinity War AU where the boys work with the avengers. (HUGE SPOILER ALERT IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE) You have been warned.

Niall sighed again for the millionth time that day. He was overwhelmed and scared to death. The world could be ending at any second and he had to try and help stop it. Just because he was behind the scenes didn't make it any less stressful.

He chanced another glance from his computer screen to look at the four boys beside him. They meant the world to him, he couldn't live if he lost them. With all the determination he had left in him, he turned back to his screen and started speaking more instructions into his headset. They needed to win this.

He caught Liam's eye but he couldn't stare him in the eye with the thought that he may never be able to do it again if they lost.

They just needed to win.

"Maybe they're okay! Maybe they're just in the middle of something!" Louis insisted. Niall squeezed his hands together tighter so he wouldn't start throwing things. He was so frustrated he could just break everything around him.

"We lost contact you idiot! With not just one, but all of them!" When Louis just shrugged and looked away, Niall lost it. "Don't any of you see what the fuck is happening?! We are going to die because there is nothing we can do to win this anymore!" Niall ran a shaking hand through his hair and took a step back from where the other four boys were simply sitting down. It was as if they were just waiting for their deaths. "We're goners." Niall muttered in defeat.

"Maybe they're just in the middle of battle or something. You know, since they're heroes and all." Zayn tried to throw out lightly but Niall just hung his head and tried to stop his hands from shaking.

"Yeah, that's what they do after all. Remember when you thought Stark had died down in that dessert? But then what happens except he shows up two days later with a few scrapes, except he was all right, wasn't he?" Liam supplied. Niall let himself sit on the arm of the couch as he listened to the boys try and console him.

Harry jumped up to sit down next to Niall. He rested a gentle hand on Niall's jittering knee. "We lost contact with him then too. And don't forget when we lost contact with Thor and he came back covered in blood. But it wasn't even his, he didn't even have a scratch on him. Remember that?"

"He's technically a god though, there's a difference." Niall finally looked up from his lap to stare them all in the eye. "We've never had to save the world like this. We've never even had to worry about coming this close to losing." Niall slowly shook his head as his eyes started to fill with tears. "This is something completely different and you know it."

A scream so loud it could shatter glass, is what pulled them all from their small bubble. They all froze as the sound suddenly stopped mid-scream. Niall was the first to bolt to the window. What he saw had him frozen once more in fear.

Niall shakily brought a hand up to cover his mouth as he watched the city below him descend into chaos. A little girl cried as her mom slowly disappeared before her eyes, it looked like she was disintegrating into dust.

"What's-what the hell is happening?" Harry gasped as they all stared in disbelief at the scene before them. People left and right were slowly dying, all around them.

"We lost." Niall whispered in horror. "Oh my god, we lost." He couldn't help the unshed tears that he finally let go. Half the people on their world were gone, or being taken at this moment and they couldn't do anything about it.

"We need to go." Liam rushed in horror, finally tearing his eyes away from the window. "We need to go now." When no one moved from their spot Liam grabbed Niall's and Louis hand and yanked them away from the window. "Now!" He screamed in fear.

"Where are we supposed to go? There's nothing we can do! Look around you! Look what's happening!" Zayn yelled right back. "There's nothing we can do." Zayn said softly. He slowly sunk down the window till he hit the floor. He wouldn't let himself cry, but instead he turned his burning gaze to look at the wall in front of him. He couldn't watch the outside world right now.

"We can try to regroup." Harry said as softly as a mouse. "Someone has to survive. Some of them had to of, right?" He wonders, being the last one to turn away from the window.

Nobody answered him but instead tried to get a grip on what was happening-that this was actually happening.

"How did they-" Niall started but gasped as he looked down at his hand that was slowly turning to dust. He couldn't do anything but stare and gasp as his body slowly started to go numb. They really lost this time.

"No! No!" The boys all screamed. Zayn tried to grab for Niall, along with Louis but by the time they touched a part of his body, it was gone.

"I'm sorry. I love you, I'm sorry." Niall cried before he disappeared for good.

Harry and Liam stood frozen in shock. The last thing Liam saw was Niall's tear stained eyes staring into his.

But he was gone now.

Niall was gone and none of them knew if it was ever possible to get him back. Because after all he was dead now. Whatever the avengers had done, it hadn't worked because Niall was gone and so was most of Earth's population.

"No!" Liam screamed, turning around to punch the window. It made a sickening crack as both the window, and Liam's knuckles made contact.

"This can't be happening." Louis whispered as he sunk to his knees. There was a pile of dust where Niall once stood and he didn't stop himself as he started to sob. "Not my Nialler. Anything but my Nialler. Please!" Louis cried out. Harry wasn't far behind him as he started to gasp for breath. How had this happened?!

Zayn felt the complete opposite as he stared at the wall with a blank expression. It was like every emotion was suddenly sucked out of him. He felt nothing.

He was probably lucky, after all he didn't have to feel the overwhelming pain and sadness half of them were feeling now. He just felt numb as he dug his fingernails into his palm.

Liam finally stopped punching the window when it was stained red. He fell to the floor and curled into a ball as he sobbed. How did they lose?

Niall was gone because of it. The one person they thought they would never lose. None of them could even begin to wrap their heads around that.

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